Script to extract/compare from two files.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Script to extract/compare from two files.
# 1  
Old 01-16-2014
Lightbulb Script to extract/compare from two files.

I have two files : Alpha and Beta.
The files are as follows (without arrow marks.)

A    1
D    90
G    11
B    24
C    15

B    24
C    0    <--
G    11
D    20   <--
A    4    <--
E    777  <--

Expected output of the script :
C    15
A    1
D    20
E    Not found

C    0
D    20
A    4
E   777

How can I achieve this. ?
I used to write bash script. Now I need the simplest logic to do this

Last edited by Scott; 01-16-2014 at 08:19 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 01-16-2014

Following may help in same.

> lesser_values
> greater_values
while read line
value_first_column=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
value_sec_column=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
value_search=`cat beta | grep "$value_first_column" | awk '{print $2}'`
#echo $value_search
if [[ $value_sec_column -gt $value_search ]]
echo $line >> greater_values
echo $value_first_column" "$value_search >> lesser_values
if [[ $value_sec_column -eq  $value_search ]]
echo $value_first_column" "$value_search >> greater_values
echo $line >> lesser_values
search_first_column=`cat beta | grep "$value_first_column"`
#echo $search_first_column
if [[  "$search_first_column" ==  " " ]]
echo $line >> lesser_values
done < "alpha"
while read line2
value=`echo $line2 | awk '{print $1}'`
search_value=`cat alpha | grep "$value"`
if [[ -z $search_value ]]
echo $value "NOT find" >> greater_values
echo $line2 >> lesser_values

done < "beta"
echo "alpha..."
cat greater_values
echo "beta.."
cat lesser_values

Output will be as follows.

$ ksh check_tot.ksh
A 4
D 90
G 11
B 24
C 15
E NOT find
A 1
D 20
G 11
B 24
C 0
E 777

kindly let us know in case you have any queries.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 01-16-2014
The output from RavinderSingh13's script doesn't come close to the requested output for either file, but the original post in this thread needs to give an English description of the processing used to produce the desired outputs from the given inputs. There is no explanation given that describes which lines are supposed to be copied, changed, or deleted in the output files???
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