Help needed to create a UNIX Space monitoring script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help needed to create a UNIX Space monitoring script
# 8  
Old 01-27-2014
It would be polite to share your code so that others finding this thread have a suggested solution.

Thanks, in advance,
# 9  
Old 01-28-2014
Below is the script

# 7_script.ksh
# This script will generate unix space utilisation report
### Date ########
CURRENT_DT=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
CURRENT_DT_MAIL=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y")
TS=$(date +"%H%M%S")
# Test if shell script is being invoked from directory where script resides or from a different directory
if [[ $(dirname ${0}) = . ]] then
PROGNAME=$(basename ${CURRDIR})
PROGDIR=$(dirname ${CURRDIR})
### Create file to save the output ###
########### Getting path as input file and running a loop for getting the files greater than 1GB in the input paths########
for paths in `cat ${IPATH}`
USRSMSG=`find ${paths} -type f -size +1073741824c -ls >> ${OFILE}` #### files greater than 1GB
exec 1>> ${USRSMSG}
exec 2>&1
######## Sending the o/p as e-mail ##########
# USERS=`ls -ld /home/*/ |cut -c 17-24 > ${CURRDIR}/users_list.txt` ## to get the list of users from df-k
USERS=${CURRDIR}/users_list.txt ### input file which has the mail recipients###
for user in `cat ${USERS}`
SUBJECT="****Urgent**** Action Required | Unix Space Utilization | ${CURRENT_DT_MAIL}"
echo "To: ${MAILTO}"
echo "From:"
echo "Subject: ${SUBJECT}"
echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
echo "Content-Type: text"
echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
cat ${CONTENT}
) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
# mailx -s "****Urgent**** Action Required | Unix Space Utilization | ${CURRENT_DT_MAIL}" < ${OFILE}
echo "Mail sent successfully.."

This User Gave Thanks to anman0523 For This Post:
# 10  
Old 02-04-2014
Hi All,
Need your help again for the below issue

I have created a script which will give the files greater than 1GB with the userids,filesize,timestamp and the filename.

a 2312321 TS filename.txt
b 2423423 TS filename.txt
b 7676575 TS filename.txt
b 7567544 TS filename.txt
c 2435346 TS filename.txt
d 9786544 TS filename.txt

Now my objective is extract the userids and send mail with the files under their under name. i have used the cut cmd to get the userid's

cut -f 1 -d ' '

say am getting the o/p as below

Now i want to send e-mail to these users. when i run a for loop, multiple emails are sent to the same user.
(Eg) o/p expected
an e-mail with 3 lines for user 'b' to be sent only one time.

Please help me in sorting this out.
# 11  
Old 02-04-2014
You should really start a new thread for this as it is a separate query, but consider your logic:-
  • You want one email per id (assuming first field)
  • Do you want any detail from the report?
  • Capture the output to a file.
  • Get the unique values from the first column
  • For each user:-
    • Get all the detail from the file for that user
    • Send the mail.
Have a look at the sort command to get unique userids, and then think about how to get the detail for just the user required, searching from beginning of line with the user id and then a space.

Does this help?

# 12  
Old 02-07-2014
Thanks for the sugesstion Robin Smilie

I had used the

command to solve this and it is working fine now.

I had got the unique users from the o/p using

command and grep'd the o/p file using this uniq users list

Below is the script
for user in `cat ${USERS}`
#echo `cat ${OFILE}| grep ${user}`
CONTENT=`cat ${OFILE}| grep ${user}`
SUBJECT="****Urgent**** Action Required | Unix Space Utilization | ${CURRENT_DT_MAIL}"
(echo "To: ${MAILTO}"
echo "From: `whoami`" 
echo "Subject: ${SUBJECT}"
echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
echo "Content-Type: text"
echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
echo ${CONTENT}
) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-07-2014 at 05:18 AM.. Reason: Get rid of font and size changes...
This User Gave Thanks to anman0523 For This Post:
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