How to read the variable from awk output?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to read the variable from awk output?
# 1  
Old 01-13-2014
Question [Solved] How to read the variable from awk output?

I am reading an xml file with date tag as <Date>Default</Date> using the below command.

Dt=$(awk -F'[<>]' '/<Date>/{print $3}' /home/test/try.xml

and getting the value from the xml file stored in this variable "Dt"

echo $Dt gives me a value. Dt=Default.

Now according to my requirement, If in the date tag the xml file has "Default" written i need this part of code to copy previos day files(eg-today=20130113, prev_day=20130112)files from one location to another as below or if the date tag finds value as some date as 20130925(<Date>20130925</Date>), it should copy files from one location to another for that date

if [ $Dt -eq Default ];
then #Use yesterday as copy_date

#here prev_day is a Function to get yesterday's date(which i have prepared and is working fine)
    echo $copy_date
else #Use Dt as copy_date

    echo $copy_date

cp /home/file1/A$copy_date.*  /var/tmp/file2

Below is the error I am facing.
awk -F[<>] /<Date>/{print $3} /home/test/try.xml
+ Dt=Default
+ echo Default
+ [ Default -eq Default ] 41: [: Illegal number: Default
+ copy_date=Default
+ echo Default
+ cp /home/file1/ADefault.* /var/tmp/file2
cp: cannot stat `/home/file1/ADefault.*': No such file or directory

How can i achieve this part to copy prev_day=Default=20130112 as A$prev_day.* or A20130112.* and not ADefault.*???

Last edited by Scott; 01-13-2014 at 06:32 AM.. Reason: Code tags, please....
# 2  
Old 01-13-2014
-eq is a numeric comparison. Use = for strings:

if [ "$Dt" = Default ];

This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-13-2014
Thanks CarloM. It did work.
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