Run script on multiple files

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Run script on multiple files
# 8  
Old 01-13-2014
If you want script to be executed , the path to thme must be set in your $PATH...
# 9  
Old 01-13-2014
Actually I saw that on another post and did put it in the path. Then I tried some other tests; I am not sure what is wrong but I am getting closer. Here I tried to run the script

cat test3a

 for f in F1 F2; do gawk -f /tmp/test3a $f;done

I get the following:
gawk: /tmp/test3a:1: '!x[$0]++'
gawk: /tmp/test3a:1: ^ Invalid char ''' in expression

If I run it like this:

for f in F1 F2; do  /tmp/test3a $f;done

Then I get command not found, probably because there is no gawk -f. But I cannot run it without gawk -f. If I do, I get "invalid character" What's missing? Probably it is simple but I have not run awk much so I am not understanding
# 10  
Old 01-13-2014
Remove single quotes from your gawk program file: test3a

This User Gave Thanks to Yoda For This Post:
# 11  
Old 01-13-2014
Yoda, you solved all the problems of getting these scripts to run. Many thanks! The only issue I have left is the one that looks like this:

{count[$2]++; keyword[$2] = $1}
for (k in count)
{if (count[k] == 2) keyword[k] = "rearranging"
if (count[k] == 3) keyword[k] = "deleting"
if (count[k] > 3)  print k ": Volumes has more than 3 repeats" > /dev/stderr
else print keyword[k] " " k

does not deal with each file at a time. As a result, it combines lists from different files. Example:

cat F1
deleting   /vol/common
deleting   /vol/eng_tsk_0001
rearranging  /vol/eng_tsk_0001
rearranging  /vol/common

 cat F2
deleting   /vol/working_vol10
deleting   /vol/working_vol11
rearranging  /vol/working_vol10
rearranging  /vol/working_vol11

lab-nbu{662}$ for f in F1 F2; do gawk -f script_0113 $f;done
rearranging /vol/common
rearranging /vol/eng_tsk_0001

rearranging /vol/working_vol11
rearranging /vol/working_vol10

Why won't it process each file and move to the next one? Do I need a next command for this? I've tried every way and I can't get this script to process one file at a time.

Last edited by Franklin52; 01-13-2014 at 05:11 PM.. Reason: Code tags
# 12  
Old 01-13-2014
Put the redirection expression in quotes, and give it a awk shebang:
#!/path/to/gawk -f
{count[$2]++; keyword[$2] = $1}
for (k in count)
{if (count[k] == 2) keyword[k] = "rearranging"
if (count[k] == 3) keyword[k] = "deleting"
if (count[k] > 3)  print k ": Volumes has more than 3 repeats" > "/dev/stderr"
else print keyword[k] " " k

This one you can call as well with gawk -f script
Alternatively, give it a shell shebang and pass the shell arguments with "$@":
awk '{count[$2]++; keyword[$2] = $1}
for (k in count)
{if (count[k] == 2) keyword[k] = "rearranging"
if (count[k] == 3) keyword[k] = "deleting"
if (count[k] > 3)  print k ": Volumes has more than 3 repeats" > "/dev/stderr"
else print keyword[k] " " k
}' "$@"

This one you can call as well with sh script
# 13  
Old 01-13-2014
To me it looks like it is doing what you want it to do. It is collecting every file's lines, sets the keyword according to No. of occurrences of $2 (always "rearranging" as there's always two), and then, in the END action, outputs what it collected so far, working on each file separately. When you consider that the putput order of (k in count) is undefined in awk, that's the output that you post.
# 14  
Old 01-13-2014
Rudi, you are right that I want to control the output order. I've tried the suggestions but I do get

lab-nbu{811}$ for f in F1 F2; do gawk -f script_0113 $f;done
rearranging /vol/common
rearranging /vol/eng_tsk_0001

On the 1st file, the header is gone The header was --- FILE-HISTORY-INPUT-TASK

I also notice that on other files the lines /vol/filename are jumbled around. How to control the order so that one group of files stays under the proper header? Don't know how to control order

Last edited by Franklin52; 01-13-2014 at 05:10 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags
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