awk - problems by converting date-format

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# 1  
Old 01-09-2014
awk - problems by converting date-format


i try to change the date-format from DD/MM/YYYY into MM/DD/YY.

Output-Data should be:

i try to do it with awk ....
awk -F'[,|/]' '{ printf "%2d/%02d/%02d,%s,%s,%s\n" $2,$1,$3,$NF}'

but awk "ran out" -- i have still not understand, what awk do with the tripple %s. can someone help me please.

Thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 01-09-2014
"%2d/%02d/%02d,%s,%s,%s\n" is expecting 6 arguments, and you only have 4 (and 11 or 12 fields on the lines).

One way might be to use split rather than having multiple field separators:
awk '{split($1,d,"/"); $1=d[2]"/"d[1]"/"d[3]; print}' FS=OFS=, file

This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-09-2014
Originally Posted by CarloM
"%2d/%02d/%02d,%s,%s,%s\n" is expecting 6 arguments, and you only have 4 (and 11 or 12 fields on the lines).

One way might be to use split rather than having multiple field separators:
awk '{split($1,d,"/"); $1=d[2]"/"d[1]"/"d[3]; print}' FS=OFS=, file

Hi CarloM,

Thanks a lot for your fast reply. Your "split-version" is working pretty good, but the the Year has still four numbers.
It is possible, to combine it with something like substr(d[3],3,2) ?
awk '{split($1,d,"/"); $1=d[2]"/"d[1]"/"(substr(d[3],3,2)); print}' FS=OFS=, file

only give me the formated date in MM/DD/YY.
I'm still try to become more familliar with awk and i suppose split will help me several times more in the future.


Last edited by IMPe; 01-09-2014 at 10:44 AM..
# 4  
Old 01-09-2014
I suspect d[3] may actually be the rest of the line. Try setting FS & OFS separately.
awk '{split($1,d,"/"); $1=d[2]"/"d[1]"/"(substr(d[3],3,2)); print}' FS=, OFS=, file

This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 5  
Old 01-09-2014
Could be done with simple sed statements like:
sed 's!\(..\)/\(..\)!\2/\1!' yourfile

sed 's!\(...\)\(...\)!\2\1!' yourfile

This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 6  
Old 01-09-2014
CarloM and ctsgnb, to both of you a big thank you.
Originally Posted by ctsgnb
Could be done with simple sed statements like:
sed 's!\(..\)/\(..\)!\2/\1!' yourfile

sed 's!\(...\)\(...\)!\2\1!' yourfile

ctsgnb --> this sed-command will change the "position" of dd/mm to mm/dd but it will not reduce YYYY to YY. finally i want to compare the time-stamp with data from another file, so i need the year-format absolutly like YY.

# 7  
Old 01-09-2014
 sed 's#\(..\)/\(..\)/..\(..\)#\2/\1/\3#' file

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