Need help to create a script to delete the files

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need help to create a script to delete the files
# 1  
Old 12-29-2013
Need help to create a script to delete the files

Hi All,

I want to delete all core* files in below file system in Unix server.

File system: /usr/sap/P01/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0

I want to setup a cron job every ten minutes to delete the core *files


N Rao
Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment This thread duplicates another thread with the same title: Need help to create a script to delete the files. This thread is, therefore, closed.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 12-29-2013 at 04:24 AM.. Reason: Note duplicate thread.
# 2  
Old 12-29-2013
On Terminal :

sudo crontab -e --> Enter root password

Choose 1-3 [2]: x --> Enter which editor you want

*/10 * * * * rm /usr/sap/P01/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/core* --> Paste this and save
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