Grepping one file column from another file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Grepping one file column from another file
# 15  
Old 12-26-2013
I have made up an output manually if that helps
# 16  
Old 12-26-2013
Neither of the input files you just uploaded contained any tab characters; only spaces. But assuming that both inp1.txt and inp2.txt do use tab characters as the field separator and that the match field is field 5 (with a colon followed by zero or more spaces as the subfield separator), the following should do what you want:
awk -F '\t' '
NR == FNR {
        n = split($5, f, /: */)
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                o[f[i]] = "\t" $0
{       print $0 o[$2]
}' inp2.txt inp1.txt

# 17  
Old 12-26-2013
Originally Posted by newbie83
I have made up an output manually if that helps
There is only one tab character in your manually created sample output file. That is between the end of the 1st line of inp1.txt and the entire contents of inp2.txt.
Please show us the output of the commands:
od -c inp1.txt
od -c inp2.txt

on your system so we can see where the tabs are supposed to be located.
# 18  
Old 12-26-2013
Thank you for being so patient, here is the information you requested. the code still doesnt produce output, it is the same as file1

od -c inp2.txt
0000000   Q   0   U   R   5   1  \t   Q   0   U   R   5   1   _   P   H
0000020   A   N   O  \t   5   9   7   3   0   3   7  \t   X   P   _   0
0000040   0   1   7   9   6   1   6   0   .   1  \t   1   1   1   0   6
0000060   5   7   0   7   :       1   6   9   6   0   5   4   7   9  \t
0000100  \t   G   O   :   0   0   0   4   1   9   0   ;       G   O   :
0000120   0   0   0   6   5   0   8  \t  \t   U   n   i   R   e   f   1
0000140   0   0   _   Q   0   U   R   5   1  \t   U   n   i   R   e   f
0000160   9   0   _   Q   0   U   R   5   1  \t   U   n   i   R   e   f
0000200   5   0   _   N   4   X   C   Z   1  \t   U   P   I   0   0   0
0000220   0   D   D   1   1   E   3  \t  \t   3   2   1   6   1   4  \t
0000240  \t  \t   1   8   0   2   4   5   7   0  \t   C   H   4   4   5
0000260   3   3   2  \t   E   A   T   8   6   8   2   7   .   1  \t  \t
0000300  \t  \t  \n

#  od -c inp1.txt
0000000   c   o   m   p   1   0   0   0   0   8   _   c   0   _   s   e
0000020   q   1  \t   1   6   9   6   0   5   4   7   9  \r  \n   c   o
0000040   m   p   1   0   0   1   5   6   5   _   c   0   _   s   e   q
0000060   1  \t   3   2   6   4   9   3   8   5   0  \r  \n   c   o   m
0000100   p   1   0   0   1   7   _   c   0   _   s   e   q   1  \t   3
0000120   9   9   1   7   2   2   5   1  \r  \n   c   o   m   p   1   0
0000140   0   2   0   _   c   0   _   s   e   q   1  \t   3   2   2   7
0000160   0   3   4   4   7  \r  \n   c   o   m   p   1   0   0   4   1
0000200   6   _   c   0   _   s   e   q   1  \t   1   1   5   4   7   1
0000220   2   9   1  \r  \n   c   o   m   p   1   0   0   4   5   _   c
0000240   0   _   s   e   q   1  \t   4   7   3   7   8   9   5   0   9
0000260  \r  \n   c   o   m   p   1   0   0   7   9   8   7   _   c   0
0000300   _   s   e   q   1  \t   3   5   7   1   1   2   4   1   5  \r
0000320  \n   c   o   m   p   1   0   0   8   0   3   _   c   0   _   s
0000340   e   q   1  \t   4   7   5   6   1   0   1   0   0  \r  \n   c
0000360   o   m   p   1   0   0   9   0   _   c   0   _   s   e   q   1
0000400  \t   3   2   2   7   0   6   7   7   9  \r  \n   c   o   m   p
0000420   1   0   0   9   4   0   2   _   c   0   _   s   e   q   1  \t
0000440   3   2   6   5   1   0   3   3   7  \r  \n

# 19  
Old 12-26-2013
OK. It looks like inp1.txt was created on a Windows box. Your matching fields defined in inp2.txt are strings of numbers, but in inp1.txt they are strings of numbers followed by a <carriage-return> character. Let's try once more:
awk -F '\t' '
{       gsub(/\r/, "")
NR == FNR {
        n4f = split($5, f, /: */)
        for(i = 1; i <= n4f; i++) {
                out[f[i]] = "\t" $0
{       print $0 out[$2]
}' inp2.txt inp1.txt

This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 20  
Old 12-27-2013
fantastic, works , thank you so much !!

Hi Don,

I tested with small samples and everything seems to work, I was wondering about the run-time of the original data.
File1 is 3.5Mb and File2 is 7.9Gb, is the code supposed to run for a long time? It has been 4 hrs, and it hasn't produced any output lines.

Last edited by newbie83; 12-27-2013 at 03:34 PM..
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