sed - How to replace right part of equal sign (=) on a line

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# 1  
Old 12-25-2013
sed - How to replace right part of equal sign (=) on a line


Using a bash script , I have a variable name for the file I want to modify

And I have a variable name for the parameter to change

A config file may contain :

1°) just and only just :
# fallback_node =

or 2°) just and only just :
fallback_node =

In case 1 just add

just under the commented line

In case 2
a) just replace the right part of the equal sign with $PARAMETER_NEW_VALUE
b) comment out the ligne and add a new ligne with. "$PARAMETER = $PARAMETER_NEW_VALUE"

Any help is welcome
# 2  
Old 12-25-2013
You could try this. Make sure the variables are sed-safe though..

sed "s;^[# ]*\(${PARAMETER} * = *\)\(.*\);# \1\2\n\1${PARAMETER_NEW_VALUE};" "${FILE_TO_EDIT}"

# 3  
Old 12-26-2013
Originally Posted by neutronscott
You could try this. Make sure the variables are sed-safe though..

sed "s;^[# ]*\(${PARAMETER} * = *\)\(.*\);# \1\2\n\1${PARAMETER_NEW_VALUE};" "${FILE_TO_EDIT}"

Should be great if you can explain the syntax for my learning.

Any way I will try this.

---------- Post updated at 19:57 ---------- Previous update was at 14:00 ----------

Originally Posted by neutronscott
You could try this. Make sure the variables are sed-safe though..

sed "s;^[# ]*\(${PARAMETER} * = *\)\(.*\);# \1\2\n\1${PARAMETER_NEW_VALUE};" "${FILE_TO_EDIT}"

Small bug.

Parameters :

Initial data in config file :

# You must set this to your client-visible server URL.
# fallback_node =

Data after running sed command :

# You must set this to your client-visible server URL.
# fallback_node =
fallback_node = http://localhost/FF_DB

Now editing the config file with some other data and we get :

# You must set this to your client-visible server URL.
# fallback_node =
fallback_node = http://localhost/OTHER_TEST

Data after running sed command :

# You must set this to your client-visible server URL.
# fallback_node =
fallback_node = http://localhost/FF_DB
# fallback_node = http://localhost/OTHER_TEST
fallback_node = http://localhost/FF_DB

Something like :
1°) Add new line with new parameter after the 1st line which is commeted out when token is encounted
2°) comment out line with actual parameter the 1st line which is not commeted out when token is encounted
3°)1°) Add new line with new parameter after the next line which is commeted out when token is encounted

Any help is welcome
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