Need a command to change the port region

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# 1  
Old 12-24-2013
Need a command to change the port region


I need to replace 09 with 25

It should be like 22525.

Can some please help with command or script.

Last edited by Scott; 12-24-2013 at 02:49 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 12-24-2013
Originally Posted by bhas85

I need to replace 09 with 25

It should be like 22525.

Can some please help with command or script.

Try :

$ echo "port=20925" | awk  'sub(substr($1,7,2),portsuf,$1)' portsuf=25

$ echo "port=20925" | awk  '{print substr($1,1,6) portsuf substr($1,9)}' portsuf=25

following will replace 09 with some string irrespective of their position, meaning wherever 09 it finds it will be replaced with string specified.
$ echo "port=20925" | sed 's/09/25/g'

Last edited by Akshay Hegde; 12-24-2013 at 01:48 AM.. Reason: more detail
# 3  
Old 12-24-2013
Sorry i didn't gave you the full details what i required.Can you please see the below requirement what exactly i need.

portsuf and port variables are not constant.It varies everytime.

i will grep the below line from file

I will enter the the value RT925 through command line--> from this i took 25 and and also port from the line

portsuf=25 --->this will varies what the parameters i am passing from command line
and port=23025 --> this i will take from file.It also varies.

The command should replace and get it as port_current=22525
# 4  
Old 12-24-2013
Try something like this

echo $line
printf "Enter New Port : "
read port
line=$(echo $line | awk -F":" 'sub(substr($NF,2,2),newport,$NF)' OFS=":" newport=$port)
echo $line

$ bash
Enter New Port : 25

$ bash
Enter New Port : 99

# 5  
Old 12-24-2013
Hi Akshay,

Thanks a lot it working fine.

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