Modify file without passing o/p to new file

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# 1  
Old 12-23-2013
Modify file without passing o/p to new file

I' m using the below command to delete the matched line from a file and passing the output to new file

sed '/Pattern to delete/d' file >output

Want to modify the same file without passing the o/p to new file, how to achieve that?
# 2  
Old 12-23-2013
Originally Posted by Roozo
I' m using the below command to delete the matched line from a file and passing the output to new file

sed '/Pattern to delete/d' file >output

Want to modify the same file without passing the o/p to new file, how to achieve that?
this will delete line with some pattern and file which is used as input will be modified

sed -i '/Pattern to delete/d' file

This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-23-2013
Ya, I tried this already, but I'm getting the below error

sed: illegal option ---i
# 4  
Old 12-23-2013
The in-file editing is a feature of GNU sed and not a posix standard. You may do the same in perl:
perl -i -pe 's/pattern\n//' file

P.S.: It would really help if you could also mention details about your OS and shell while posting a question :-)
# 5  
Old 12-23-2013
If you have perl:
perl -i -n -e 'if(!/Pattern to delete/) {print}' file

This User Gave Thanks to disedorgue For This Post:
# 6  
Old 12-23-2013
Originally Posted by Roozo
Want to modify the same file without passing the o/p to new file, how to achieve that?
None of the suggestions in this thread edit a file in place. So, exactly why are you trying to avoid using a temp file?

sed -i has very little (if anything) to recommend it and will negatively affect your script's portability. The perl suggestions are especially dangerous, since they can lead to data loss.

# 7  
Old 12-23-2013
The perl suggestions are especially dangerous but we can use -i[extension] to make a backup.
But, I'm ok with you and perl or sed or awk -i option mask only to use temp file.

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