Display lines between keywords inclusive

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# 1  
Old 12-21-2013
Display lines between keywords inclusive


I have a file that contains a lot of lines that are repetitive. I am interested in grepping the following section which is repetitive.


My final output should just grep Street tag and MAP tag between Address tag and file should look like

# 2  
Old 12-22-2013
What have you tried so far?

And, some questions about your data:
  1. Are the Street, MainMAP, PrimMAP, and SecdMap start and end tags always on the same line in your input files as they are in your sample?
  2. Are there ever any other '<' or '>' characters between the start and end tags for the Street, MainMAP, PrimMAP, and SecdMAP tags? (There aren't any in your sample input file.)
  3. Are each of these tags always on lines by themselves as they are in your sample input file (i.e., no other tags before or after them and only zero or more spaces and tabs before the opening tag and after the closing tag)?
# 3  
Old 12-22-2013

So far i am doing manual steps

Step 1: Replace Street with Street:
Step 2: Replace MAP with MAP:
Step 3: grep ":" myfile.xml
Step 4: Replace : with nothing (%s/://g)


Last edited by jakSun8; 12-22-2013 at 12:06 PM..
# 4  
Old 12-22-2013
For your simple input example - which is questioned by Don Cragun - you may want to try this (which is based on some assumptions):
sed -rn  '/<Address>/,/<\/Address>/{/SecdMAP/s/$/\n/;/Street|MAP/p}'  file

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