Trouble reading content of file from a variable

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# 1  
Old 12-20-2013
Trouble reading content of file from a variable

Hi ,

i have a parameter which has path of a file. Now i need to have another parameter with the content of that file. I tried the belwo script , can any one please help.
I dont want to use cat command to read. Can we do it with out using cat command.
 while read line
DML_FILE_NAME_ORIG1=`echo $line|awk 'BEGIN { FS = "|" } ; {print $1}'`
cp $DML_FILE_NAME_ORIG1 ${AI_DML}/testharness_modified.dml
sed -i '/record/r ${AI_BIN}/modift_test_harness.txt' ${AI_DML}/testharness_modified.dml

> cat AI_BIN/input.txt
> cat $AI_DML/a.dml
include '~$STI_TOOLS_DML/data_quality.dml';
metadata type =
 * On: Thu Mar 29 06:40:06 2012
  decimal("\x01") mth_rpt_perd_dim_id /*INTEGER NOT NULL*/;
  decimal("\x01") core_arnge_dim_id /*INTEGER NOT NULL*/;
> cat ${AI_BIN}/modift_test_harness.txt
string("\x01") key1 = NULL("");
string("\x01") key2 = NULL("");

Last edited by Ravindra Swan; 12-20-2013 at 12:45 PM.. Reason: content missed
# 2  
Old 12-20-2013
The real question is, why do you want to dump the entire content of a file into a variable? Can you just use the file as-is?
# 3  
Old 12-20-2013
I don't see where AI_DML gets set, but I presume it is an environmental variable.

You can remove the complex echo | awk to be just:-

.... or perhaps change the loop:-
while read DML_FILE_NAME_ORIG1 rest
   cp $DML_FILE_NAME_ORIG1 ${AI_DML}/testharness_modified.dml
   sed -i '/record/r ${AI_BIN}/modift_test_harness.txt' ${AI_DML}/testharness_modified.dml
   echo "Contents of DML_FILE_NAME_NEW_MODIFIED"
done < $AI_BIN/input.txt

You will notice I have removed the echo `cat and just left the cat

What are you actually trying to achieve here?

This User Gave Thanks to rbatte1 For This Post:
# 4  
Old 12-20-2013
Its not working

Thanks for the reply....

I need to dump into variable only because in further steps i need to pass variable to ETL-graph and then it will execute using this.

Environmental issues are not there since i tried to run the script using hard coded value and it ran perfectly. Using variable only the problem comes.

cp command is not working ...... is there any other way around?

---------- Post updated at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:09 AM ----------

Hi Robin,

I just need the content of the file where the file path is in parameter to another parameter where it will be also having another file path with different name.

cp is not working is there any way around?


Originally Posted by rbatte1
I don't see where AI_DML gets set, but I presume it is an environmental variable.

You can remove the complex echo | awk to be just:-

.... or perhaps change the loop:-
while read DML_FILE_NAME_ORIG1 rest
   cp $DML_FILE_NAME_ORIG1 ${AI_DML}/testharness_modified.dml
   sed -i '/record/r ${AI_BIN}/modift_test_harness.txt' ${AI_DML}/testharness_modified.dml
   echo "Contents of DML_FILE_NAME_NEW_MODIFIED"
done < $AI_BIN/input.txt

You will notice I have removed the echo `cat and just left the cat

What are you actually trying to achieve here?

# 5  
Old 12-20-2013
Not sure I understand your specification
I just need the content of the file where the file path is in parameter to another parameter where it will be also having another file path with different name.
Please describe in more detail and provide examples.
cp command is not working ...... is there any other way around?
cp has proven to be working a zillion times. What is its behaviour in your case that displeases you? Run it with the -x option set and show us the execution log.
# 6  
Old 12-20-2013
I mean

cp $a $b
echo `cat $b`
cat /ai/a.txt
cat /ai/b.txt both should give the same result set.
# 7  
Old 12-20-2013
This is wrong:

echo `cat $b`

The `cat $b` is going to flatten out all whitespace.

It's not the cp that does it, it's the ``.

It's completely redundant, anyway. Just cat $b would accomplish the same thing without the mangling.

It's this kind of thing which makes me suspect you don't need cat or cp at all, here, if we understood your requirements better.
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
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