Combining 2 commands

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Combining 2 commands
# 1  
Old 12-20-2013
Hammer & Screwdriver Combining 2 commands

Hello all,

I need to send an attachment and text in the body, both in the same Email.

Below are two cammand that send the required data in separate Emails. I need to combine them so that I get just 1 Email containing the attachment & text in the body.

uuencode ${filename}  "${file_}" | mailx -s "WEEKLY AUOMATED TAPOUT RATING AUDIT REPORT"
#mailx -s "WEEKLY AUOMATED  REPORT" < /export/home/test/summary.txt

Help !
# 2  
Old 12-20-2013
cat /export/home/test/summary.txt
uuencode ${filename}  "${file_}"

# 3  
Old 12-20-2013
I got the following outtput:

root@machine #{
>cat /export/home/test/summary.txt uuencode ${filename} "${file_}"
cat: cannot open uuencode
cat: cannot open

I did get the Email on my ID with body but No attachment.
# 4  
Old 12-20-2013
Put uuencode on a new line!
# 5  
Old 12-20-2013
Ive done the following;

root@machine # {
> cat /export/home/test/summary.txt
> uuencode ${filename}  "${file_}"

(Interrupt -- one more to kill letter)

The prompt dosent return back. I have to press Control+C to come back to prompt.
# 6  
Old 12-20-2013
You must define both variables ${filename} and "${file_}"!
The first is the file to be read, the second is the name in the attachment.
# 7  
Old 12-20-2013
Does it have to be both in the body? Depending on your mailx version, you could use the -a option to attach a file.
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