Remove the values from a certain column without deleting the Column name in a .CSV file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Remove the values from a certain column without deleting the Column name in a .CSV file
# 8  
Old 12-18-2013
As a first step you can for example make the difference between comma that are field separator and comma that are inside fields' values :

If there are multiple comma everywhere in you file like :
# cat txt

You can change the field separator to a semicolon instead of the comma... for example this way :
# sed -e ': a;s/"\([^",][^",]*\),\([^"]*\)"/"\1%\2"/' -e 't a' -e 's/,/;/g;s/%/,/g' txt

or this way :
# sed -e 's/,/;/g' -e ': a;s/"\([^";][^";]*\);\([^"]*\)"/"\1,\2"/' -e 't a' txt

The file can then be parsed easy using an awk -F\; ..... statement

Last edited by ctsgnb; 12-18-2013 at 03:35 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 9  
Old 12-18-2013
This might come close to what you want to do (tested only on mawk 1.3.3):
awk     'NR>1   {for (i=2; i<=NF; i+=2) gsub (/,/,"\001", $i)
                 FS=OFS=","; $0=$0; $5=" "; FS=OFS="\"";
                 gsub ("\001", ",")
        ' FS=\" OFS=\" file
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,column 5,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas", ,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas,string 2,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,,, 
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas", ,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas", ,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

Unfortunately, your second line has unpaired double quotes which cannot be handled by this proposal.
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 10  
Old 12-18-2013
How has your file been generated ?

It looks it is corrupted since the line
23455,12312255564,"string,, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas,string 2,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,

... contains only one doublequote which would need to be closed ...

# cat fin
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,column 5,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas",string 1,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas",string 2,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas",string 1,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas",string 2,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

# sed -e 's/,/;/g' -e ': a;s/"\([^";][^";]*\);\([^"]*\)"/"\1,\2"/' -e 't a' fin | awk -F\; '{$(NF-5)=z}1' OFS=\;
column 1;column 2;column 3;column 4;;column 6;column 7;column 8;column 9;column 10
12310;42324564756;"a simple string with a , comma";"string with or, without commas";;USD;12;70%;08/01/2013;
23455;12312255564;"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas";;USD;433;70%;07/15/2013;
23525;74535243123;"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans";"string with or, without commas";;CAND;744;70%;05/06/2013;
46476;15467534544;"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans";"string with or, without commas";;CAND;388;70%;09/21/2013;

You could change the Output Field Separator to a comma with OFS=, but in my opinion, it would be a bad idea : that would make further parsing more complicated.

Last edited by ctsgnb; 12-18-2013 at 03:56 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 11  
Old 12-18-2013
This might be lengthy you may try, second line has unpaired double quotes

$ cat file
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,column 5,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas",string 1,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas,string 2,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas",string 1,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas",string 2,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

awk '
     NR > 1{
             flag = 0
             $0   = $0","                                 
while($0)  {
             match($0,/ *"[^"]*" *,|[^,]*,/)
             LFS = length($0) == 1 ? RS : OFS             
             printf "%s%s",temp = ++flag == column_mask ? "" : temp,LFS
     ' OFS=, column_mask=5 file

$ sh 
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,column 5,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas",,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with,, commas,string with or, without commas,string 2,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas",,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas",,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 12  
Old 12-18-2013
All - I am sorry for the confusion. i have edited the sample file. Please take a look now...
# 13  
Old 12-18-2013
Originally Posted by dhruuv369
All - I am sorry for the confusion. i have edited the sample file. Please take a look now...
I meanwhile also updated my post, please read #8 and #10 .

By the way in fact this should also work (add NR>1 if you need to skip the first line containing the header):
awk -F, '{$(NF-5)=z}1' OFS=, yourfile

indeed, since we count the 5th field from the last one , and since those ending fields (N-5,N-4,N-3,N-2,N-1,N) does not contain multiple comma it should work and we would not be bothered by fields containing multiple commas
or in sed :
sed '1!{s;\([^,]*\)\(\(,[^,]*\)\{5\}\)$;\2;}' yourfile.csv

# awk -F, '{$(NF-5)=z}1' OFS=, fin
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas",,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas",,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas",,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas",,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

Last edited by ctsgnb; 12-19-2013 at 05:50 AM..
This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 14  
Old 12-18-2013
Hi, in sed:
$ cat fich.csv
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,column 5,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas",string 1,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas",string 2,USD,433,70%,07/15/2013,
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas",string 1,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas",string 2,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

In red, it's the 5th field and this line have only 9 fields.
$ sed '1!{:xx;s/"/;>ICI<;/;s/"/;>ICI<;/;:yy;s/\(;>ICI<;[^,]*\),\(.*;>ICI<;\)/\1;>LA<;\2/;tyy;s/;>ICI<;/>ICI</g;/"/bxx;s/\(\([^,]*,\)\{4\}\)[^,]*/\1/;s/>ICI</"/g;s/;>LA<;/,/g;}' fich.csv
column 1,column 2,column 3,column 4,column 5,column 6,column 7,column 8,column 9,column 10
12310,42324564756,"a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas",,USD,12,70%,08/01/2013,
23455,12312255564,"string, with, multiple, commas,string with or, without commas",string 2,,433,70%,07/15/2013,
23525,74535243123,"string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas",,CAND,744,70%,05/06/2013,
46476,15467534544,"lengthy string, with commas, multiple: colans","string with or, without commas",,CAND,388,70%,09/21/2013,

This User Gave Thanks to disedorgue For This Post:
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