Searching Error Message from a log life between timestamp of every 10 minutes

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# 1  
Old 12-18-2013
Searching Error Message from a log life between timestamp of every 10 minutes

HI Everyone,

My task is to search error messages last 10 minutes everytime from a log file.

My script,
date1=`date -d '10 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S"`
date2=`date "+%H:%M:%S"`
awk -v d1="${date1}" -v d2="${date2}" '$0~d1{p=1} $0~d2{p=0} p' filename

No error getting in syntex,but nothing is displaying(no output)Smilie
Can anyone help me find the write solution pls.Smilie
Thanks in advanceSmilie

---------- Post updated at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:56 PM ----------

if [ $2>="$(date -d '45 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S")" ];
echo "found"
{print $0}
echo " not found"
fi < filename

not found:(

can anyone help me soon...with ur valuable ideas

Last edited by Don Cragun; 12-19-2013 at 03:31 AM.. Reason: Font and Size changes deleted; CODE tags added.
# 2  
Old 12-19-2013
Could you please post part of error message ?
# 3  
Old 12-19-2013
Originally Posted by ctscbe
HI Everyone,

My task is to search error messages last 10 minutes everytime from a log file.

My script,
date1=`date -d '10 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S"`
date2=`date "+%H:%M:%S"`
awk -v d1="${date1}" -v d2="${date2}" '$0~d1{p=1} $0~d2{p=0} p' filename

No error getting in syntex,but nothing is displaying(no output)Smilie
Can anyone help me find the write solution pls.Smilie
Thanks in advanceSmilie

---------- Post updated at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:56 PM ----------

if [ $2>="$(date -d '45 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S")" ];
echo "found"
{print $0}
echo " not found"
fi < filename

not found:(

can anyone help me soon...with ur valuable ideas
In your first example, you are looking for timestamps that are exactly 10 minutes ago OR now; not the range of timestamps between those two timestamps, inclusive.

Without seeing sample input, it is hard to imagine getting the output you're showing from your second example, but you are missing required spaces in your if statement:
if [ $2>="$(date -d '45 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S")" ]

needs to be changed to:
if [ $2 >= "$(date -d '45 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S")" ]

or, even better:
if [ "$2" >= "$(date -d '45 minutes ago' "+%H:%M:%S")" ]

# 4  
Old 01-16-2014
Thanks Pravin 27 and Don Cragon for your valuable replies.Smilie.
I got my requirement by using Pravin27 's reply in some other Forums.Thanks!Smilie
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