How to ignore relative few occurrences of a field value?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to ignore relative few occurrences of a field value?
# 1  
Old 12-17-2013
How to ignore relative few occurrences of a field value?

Hi experts,

I have a very long file that looks about like this.

aaad_1577 64000
aaad_1577 72000
aaad_1577 72000
aaad_1577 65000
aaad_1577 65000
(...aaad about a thousand times...)
bbbd_2002 56000
bbbd_2002 57000
bbbd_3045 57000
cccd_3452 150000
dddd_6014 150000
dddd_6014 150000
dddd_6014 150000
(...dddd about a thousand times...)

I want to ignore the rows where the first column values occur fewer than handful of times, say 5 times.

It would be helpful if I could see how many occurrences I'm getting before I ignore them so I can go from this:

aaad_1577 64000 1005
aaad_1577 72000 1005
aaad_1577 72000 1005
aaad_1577 65000 1005
aaad_1577 65000 1005
(...aaad about a thousand times...)
bbbd_2002 56000 2
bbbd_2002 57000 2
bbbd_3045 57000 1
cccd_3452 150000 1
dddd_6014 150000 1003
dddd_6014 175000 1003
dddd_6014 150000 1003
(...dddd about a thousand times...)

to using this:

awk '{ if ($3>3) print $0}' [file]

and get this:

aaad_1577 64000 1005
aaad_1577 72000 1005
aaad_1577 72000 1005
aaad_1577 65000 1005
aaad_1577 65000 1005
(...aaad about a thousand times...)
dddd_6014 150000 1003
dddd_6014 175000 1003
dddd_6014 150000 1003
(...dddd about a thousand times...)

Thank you!
# 2  
Old 12-17-2013

$ cat file
aaad_1577 64000
aaad_1577 72000
aaad_1577 72000
aaad_1577 65000
aaad_1577 65000
bbbd_2002 56000
bbbd_2002 57000
bbbd_3045 57000
cccd_3452 150000
dddd_6014 150000
dddd_6014 150000
dddd_6014 150000

$ awk 'FNR==NR{A[$1]++;next}{print $0,A[$1]}' file file

aaad_1577 64000 5
aaad_1577 72000 5
aaad_1577 72000 5
aaad_1577 65000 5
aaad_1577 65000 5
bbbd_2002 56000 2
bbbd_2002 57000 2
bbbd_3045 57000 1
cccd_3452 150000 1
dddd_6014 150000 3
dddd_6014 150000 3
dddd_6014 150000 3

This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-17-2013
That'll do it!
Thanks Akshay
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