My objective is to get the non matching records of previous day with current day.
eg, file1 contains
and file2 contains:
then expected output is
another example
file 1 contains:
file 2 contains
results expected:
I did used
to achive this which is working fine with me. But when the file size is large it is failing. I am attaching here the two input files and the output file.The output file generated is wrong.
In the output file, only the record starting with 246 should have appear. Please advise.
In addition to RudiC's and Chubler_XL's comments, the comm utility is only guaranteed to work on text files. Text files have lines that are no longer than the number of bytes reported by the command:
getconf LINE_MAX
on your system. You didn't say which Solaris system version you're using, but I don't remember any Solaris system having a maximum text file line length that is as big as the 57,810 byte longest line length that you have in both of your input files.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
$ ./s1
Environment: LC_ALL = POSIX, LANG = POSIX
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: SunOS, 5.10, i86pc
Distribution : Solaris 10 10/08 s10x_u6wos_07b X86
bash GNU bash 3.00.16
pll (local) 1.19
Input data files data[12]
data1: ascii text
data2: ascii text
2 3760 74398 data1
2 2918 58115 data2
4 6678 132513 total
Data file f[12] after conversion:
f1: ascii text
f2: ascii text
2 3760 74396 f1
2 2918 58113 f2
4 6678 132509 total
Script ./ Compare two sorted files line by line, perl.
Results, perl comm:
1 51 305 f4
f4: ascii text
(Longest line: 640; fit into lines of length 78)
1 2 3 ... 61 62 63
246 martin Pa...NULL NULL 6 NU
Results, standard comm:
15 1485 29004 f3
f3: ascii text
(Longest line: 2364; fit into lines of length 78)
1 2 3 ... 233 234 235 2
243 Williamss Serena ...</AcctId>\n <EventId>\n <Va
>300852</Value>\n <Modified>fa...\n <Val3>285963</Val3>\n <Whe
009-04-27T09:57:42Z</When>\n <Wh...eue_item>\n <queue_item xmlns="urn">\n <AcctId>2...ified>false</Modified>\n </Event
\n <Msg>Goedendag, op 18 maart>\n <Val1>3</Val1>\n <Val2>
Val2>\n <Val3>285661</Val3>\n ...<queue_item xmlns="urn:obj.api.face">\n <AcctId>243</AcctId>\n...jn facebook scherp abonnement verle
. Mij...</Msg>\n <Type>4</Type>\..."">\n <A
Id>243</AcctId>\n <EventId>\n ...ype>\n <Val1>1</Val1>\n <Val2
</Val2>\n <Val3>287325</Val3>\n ...:59Z</When>\n <WhenLT>2009-04-28
:47:59+02:00</WhenLT>\n <Modifie.../Msg>\n <Type>4</Type>\n <Val
</Val1>\n <Val2>88</Val2>\n <...d>\n <Value>310313</Value>\n
<Modified>false</Modified>\n </...<Val1>1</Val1>\n <Val2>131</Val2
<Val3>286913</Val3>\n <When>... <EventId>\n <Value>312158</
246 martin Paul ...NULL NULL 6 NU
Short lines in small files, result from perl comm:
==> data3 <==
1 a
2 b
==> data4 <==
2 b
1 c
1 c
Some comments. It looks like the sort is OK, possibly sort is managing lines on it own. The trouble is with comm, which appears to mangle long lines. The perl version of comm can handle long lines, at the added cost of overhead of a interpreted language.
This output, while busy, shows the input files, then the results of a perl script in a shell function, flip, to remove carriage returns. The Solaris version of file is not as useful as the LInux version, just showing ascii as opposed to:
data1: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators
data2: ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators
for example.
The converted files are then sorted and fed into comm and The result is that comm appears to split long lines into chunks, whereas handles them without such a flaw.
The long lines are presented in an abbreviated style by a local code, pll, that we use here. The TABS were converted to runs of blanks by another perl code in function untab.
The final run just shows that -13 works as one expects comm -13 to work.
You can find at along many other perl versions of common *nix commands. There are also many GNU-style commands in /usr/sfw/bin/ on Solaris systems, but comm does not appear to among them.
Best wishes ... cheers, drl
PS Just so that you can see the entire sample input files, here is the result of the display of converted files f1 and f2 above:
$ untab f1 | pll 78
(Longest line: 58137; fit into lines of length 78)
1 2 3 ...0 5811 5812 58
242 Mandella Martina ...ent_queue_arr> 213 NU
243 Williamss Serena ...ent_queue_arr> 216 NU
$ untab f2 | pll 78
(Longest line: 58137; fit into lines of length 78)
1 2 3 ...0 5811 5812 58
243 Williamss Serena ...ent_queue_arr> 216 NU
246 martin Paul ...NULL NULL 6 NU
Last edited by drl; 12-18-2013 at 07:14 AM..
Reason: Minor typo.
Hi, I need the first & last day of a month from any given date. For better understanding, if i need to back-fill data for date 07/20/2019 i.e July 20 2019, i need the first & last day has 07/01/2019 - 07/31/2019. FYI: I'm using GIT BASH terminal.
sample code:
export DT=$(date --date='6 days... (2 Replies)
I tested this :
set +x
CurrentDay=$(date +'%a') (Fri) on my server
Fri=$(date -d "Friday" | awk '{print $1}')
Sat=$(date -d "Saturday" | awk '{print $1}')
if ] ; then echo "ok" ; else echo "ok" ; fi
But the output tell me always "ok" why?! Thanks in advance :b: (5 Replies)
i want to save current day file daily
for this is am using below command.
cp -p $(ls -lrt | grep "Apr 15" | awk '{print $9}'
in order to script this part, i am saving date output in a file using below command
date | awk '{print $2,$3}' >>t1
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I have to work on a korn shell script to pick up only the current day files dropped on the remote server (using ftp).
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Hi guys,
I know if I try to get a julian date using a specific date I can but I try to get the current date I got an error as you can see below:
This one works fine:
date -d "2010/10/30" +%j
But I can't get the current date as below:
`date -d "+%Y/%m/%d`" +%j
Does somebody can... (6 Replies)
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When i checked the syntax, i dont see there is a format specifier for getting the day. Let me know how to get the same.
I am very new to unix and so I am asking some basic questions.
gops (2 Replies)
i want to delete files that are one day old
condition is files should be of current month only ie if iam running script on 1 march it should not delete files of 28 feb(29 if leap year :-)}
any modifications to
find $DIR -type f -atime +1 -exec rm -f{}\; (4 Replies)
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I am new to this board and UNIX programming so please forgive if I don't explain something correctly.
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