Compare the output of find command

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# 1  
Old 12-14-2013
Compare the output of find command

Hi All,

I am trying to run find command in a script to list out certain files based on a patter. However, when there is no file in the output, the script should exit.

Tried a couple of operators (-n, -z) etc but the script does not work.

I am confused whether a null string is returned or something else since it seems null string operators are not working.

Environment: SunOS 5.10

Can someone please guide me.
# 2  
Old 12-14-2013
a=$(find . -name '*.lis')
if [ ! -z "$a" ] ; then  
 for fname in $a    # have some files
  echo $fname
  echo 'no files found'

Start with that. Without seeing your code, make sure any [ or ] character (if condition ) is surrounded by spaces. This will work in /bin/sh the POSIX shell. More Questions? please post your code - this was a guess.
This User Gave Thanks to jim mcnamara For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-14-2013
Thanks for the reply Jim,

Your code works absolutely fine but mine doesn't.

Can you tell me where is the mistake. I am not able to figure out.

There is no file danish.lis in the directory


for i in `find . -name "danish.lis"`
if [ -z "$i" ]
echo "File not found"
echo "file found"

gives no output..

Your code prints no files found
# 4  
Old 12-14-2013
The find command doesn't return anything, so the variable i cannot assume any value and the do ... done branch is not executed.
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
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