[Solved] Array for parameters from 5th position

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Old 12-12-2013
[Solved] Array for parameters from 5th position

Hi All,
I am writing a script where the first 5 parameters are mandatory but the script should be able to handle a maximum of 9 parameters (with the remainig 4 optional)

I would like to load all parameters from 5th parameter positioninto an array.

the piece of code I am writing for this:
FIL_NUM=`expr $# - 4`
echo "Number of files to transfer: ${FIL_NUM}";
for fileloop in ${@:5:${FIL_NUM}};
echo $index
(( index++ ))

Unfortunately this errors out with this
syntax error near unexpected token `${@:5:${FIL_NUM}}'

Anybody please advise how to make this working.

Thank you!

---------- Post updated at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:09 AM ----------

Hi All, apologise for the follow up but I realised what went wrong. No need to reply. Wanted to remove the thread but couldn't

Last edited by radoulov; 12-16-2013 at 07:07 PM..
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