So I should keep the first part of the script to obtain the first conversion and add a second part to do 255-inputvalue and then again another conversion
bit0=$(( (i & 0x01) > 0 ))
bit1=$(( (i & 0x02) > 0 ))
bit2=$(( (i & 0x04) > 0 ))
bit3=$(( (i & 0x08) > 0 ))
bit4=$(( (i & 0x10) > 0 ))
bit5=$(( (i & 0x20) > 0 ))
bit6=$(( (i & 0x40) > 0 ))
bit7=$(( (i & 0x80) > 0 ))
Is there perhaps a quicker negation of already producted single bit0-bit7 bits ??
I need it for a little project in BeagleBone GPIO, not quite homework...(homework should be done many years ago....when I was younger with less woody brain... )
Thank you
Last edited by digiteltlc; 12-11-2013 at 05:44 AM..
REMEBER! What I have shown you is for 8 bits...
IF you require 16 bits the subtract your number from 65535...
(Similarly for 32 bits, etc...)
Look at your problem logically...
"$1" is the first user argument of your shell script and it looks as though you will be entering your script as something like this:-
<CR> == carraiage return...
You have saved this argument inside your variable "i"
So "i" now contains a _string_ representation of your binary value...
Use something like:-
To change each bit...
This method keeps it all inside bash builtins...
I am at work ATM so replies will be sporadic from me so have a go yourself... ;o)
Might I suggest using what is already available?
I hope that this is useful. I got the basis of this elsewhere on the board so I thought I should share it.
Is there a fast way to convert a negative decimal value into a signed binary number in bash script ? I've looked a lot on internet but I saw nothing... (For exemple : -1 become 11111111.) (9 Replies)
Hi ,
seq can be 0...128
int windex = seq / 8;
int bindex = seq % 8;
unsigned char bitvalue = '\x01' << (7-bindex) ;
bpv.bitmapvalue = bitvalue;
This is the part of a program to convert decimal to bitmap value of hexadecimal.
I want this to change to convert only to... (1 Reply)
I have script which work fine on particular data.file .
The next feature I want to achieve is to get the decimal equivalent of data to data.
The data looks like this :
thank you..
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include... (4 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Design an algorithm that accepts an input a decimal number and converts it into BCD (Binary... (2 Replies)
Anybody please help me...
Design an algorithm that accepts an input a decimal number and converts it into BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) representation. Also, draw its Flow Chart.
This is a unix qn...
plz post algorithm for that :confused: (1 Reply)
Hi, I've tried a lot of negate codes in this forum, but they do not perform what I intended. Please help.
Paragraph1 contents: die1, die2, die3, pr_name1, pr_name2
pr_name3, pr_name4
Paragraph2 more contents: die1, die2, die3, pr_name1, pr_name2
pr_name3, pr_name4
... (5 Replies)
Hi All,
Is there any command which can convert binary decimal coded values to ascii values...
i have bcd values like below
оооооооооооо0о-- -v -
Pls suggest a way to convert this.
Deepti.Gaur (3 Replies)
I have the following simple code to return a binary number in a array format given an interger and the number of the bits for specifying the interger as binary number.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
// int* get_binary_number(int* bit_array, int num, int... (8 Replies)