Merging 2 Arrays in a script

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# 1  
Old 12-10-2013
Merging 2 Arrays in a script

I am creating (with help) my own version of a calculator script that simply merges 2 arrays ( ${a[0]}${b[0]}${a[1]}${b[1]}... etc )

echo "Enter the integers you would like to calculate"
read -a nums
echo "You entered ${#nums[@]} integers"
let batch="${#nums[@]}-1"
echo "Enter how you want to calculate these integers ($batch calculations)"
read -a calcs
result="$( paste <( printf "%s\n" ${nums[@]} ) <(printf "%s\n" ${calcs[@]}) )"
echo ${result[@]} =
echo ${result[@]} | bc

#Entering +, -, or / for calculations seem to work fine, but "*" causes problems. Is there any way I can use * so that it only multiplies the numbers?
# 2  
Old 12-10-2013
echo "Enter the integers you would like to calculate"
read -a nums
echo "You entered ${#nums[@]} integers"
let batch="${#nums[@]}-1"
echo "Enter how you want to calculate these integers ($batch calculations)"
read -a calcs

for (( i=0; i<=$batch; i++ ))
    result=$(echo "$result ${nums[i]} ${calcs[i]}")

echo "${result} ="
echo "${result}" | bc

This User Gave Thanks to balajesuri For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-10-2013
If it's just integer arithmetic you require, there is no need for bc you could just use:

echo "$(( ${result} ))"

If you want floating point calculations, you should specify a scale eg:

echo "scale=2 ; ${result}" | bc

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
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