CLEAR THESE Doubts Please ( bash scripts )

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting CLEAR THESE Doubts Please ( bash scripts )
# 1  
Old 12-10-2013
Lightbulb CLEAR THESE Doubts Please ( bash scripts )

gnu.txt-----example file name

1. Display the 15th line of gnu.txt.

2. Display all lines of gnu.txt where the first and third fields are the same.

3. Display all lines of gnu.txt that have more than 100 fields.

4. Display the total number of lines in gnu.txt.

5. Display all lines in gnu.txt containing the character string "DAMAGES".

6. Display all lines in gnu.txt whose 5th word is "a".

7. Display all lines in gnu.txt whose last field contains at least one uppercase letter.

8. Display all lines in gnu.txt whose last field begins with a lowercase letter.

9. Display all lines in gnu.txt that contain either the word "conditions" or the word "WARRANTY".

10. Display the last line of file gnu.txt.

11. Display the total number of fields in gnu.txt.

12. Display the total number of characters in gnu.txt.

13. Display the total number of lines in gnu.txt containing the string "permissions". Note: Not the number times the word itself appears.

14. Display the line in gnu.txt with the largest number of fields.

15. Display the next to last field of each line of gnu.txt.
# 2  
Old 12-10-2013
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