You mean to say I need to create a script for this?
But I need to yun this for almost 100 Tape numbers ADC001 too ADC100.
My machine is production machine. The backup Server
However I have one tiny query, i searched google a lot but did not get answer,
how to grep word only once without repeating
Please advise
---------- Post updated at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:34 PM ----------
Hey Hi Pravin,
Can I directly copy paste and run the above given code on command line to get desired output or do I need to create script for that?
However I have one tiny query, i searched google a lot but did not get answer,
how to grep word only once without repeating ...
Do you mean quit after the first match? Try grep -m1
Do you mean one line per repeating patterns? Pipe result through sort -u
Don't you want to lose the original sort order? Pipe through awk '!T[$0]++'
Hello Guys,
I have a file say FILE1.txt contains below data:-
I need the output in another file as FILE2 as:-
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', (7 Replies)
I am executing below command to do summation on 46th coloumn.
cat File1| awk -F"|" '{p += $46} END { printf"Column Name | SUM | " p}'
I am getting output as
Column Name | SUM | 1.01139e+10
Here I want output in Proper decimal format. Can someone tell me what change is required for same? (1 Reply)
I have a file which has xml data but all in single line
Ex -
<?xml version="1.0"?><User><Name>Robert</Name><Location>California</Location><Occupation>Programmer</Occupation></User>
I want to split the data in proper xml format Ex-
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Name>Robert</Name>... (6 Replies)
There's a small SH script I'm trying to write where it will get the current month and find a log file that is based on the date.
Example: Today is February, so the log file is going to be 201102.log (2011 + 02)
An additional thing is that if today is the 1st of a month, it will also find the log... (3 Replies)
Hi am using uuencode fro attaching one report which is nothing but sql query output.
But when i receive the report through attachement and when it is opened the report is not displayed in proper format. Means if the sql query has 100 rows the mail attachment report displays the report in 2... (2 Replies)
Hi Guys,
my $cmd = "ls -l"; #........ {or let it be as # my $cmd= "ls"; }
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host);
$ssh->login($user, $pass);
my($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("$cmd");
print $stdout;
the script works fine, but i am unable to see the output getting displayed in a... (7 Replies)
I'm learning UNIX on my mac (BSD), using a manual. I'm trying to figure out the grep command, and am getting something wrong. I've opened one of my files in NeoOffice and am looking for a string, the phrase 'I am writing.' I've been to some sites to get the proper syntax, and from what I can see... (5 Replies)
We run an application called meta which reads user information from database and updates in LDAP.For that we have some scripts to check the uniqueness of mail ids between the existing LDAP and Database.It works fine when people enter mail ids in proper format ( but if it... (2 Replies)