Need to delete the log files when the disk used% greater than 85% using df -k

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need to delete the log files when the disk used% greater than 85% using df -k
# 1  
Old 12-06-2013
Hammer & Screwdriver Need to delete the log files when the disk used% greater than 85% using df -k

I am new to Shell scripts.
I have an urgent requirement to find the disk space using "df -k".
from that output,I need to check the used% whether greater than 85%.
if it is greater than 85% then need to delete my log files.
It is very urgent please some one help me.
Thanks in Advance
# 2  
Old 12-06-2013
You didn't specify your OS and the output of df varies from system to system.

Many OS support a -P (POSIX output format) and this is my best bet at getting something working for you:

df -P | awk 'NR != 1 { sub("%",""); print $5, $6}'| while read PERC FILESYSTEM
# Test each FILESYSTEM PERCentage against it's threshold amount.
# If PERCentage is greater than threshold then take action.

case "$FILESYSTEM" in
    /media/*) ;;
    /) ;;
    /home)  [ $PERC -gt 85 ] && rm -f /home/anandb/*.log ;;
    *) mail -s 'Invalid FILESYSTEM! found'<<EOF
             Filesystem $FILESYSTEM has been discovered by the Diskmonitor Process. 

# 3  
Old 12-06-2013
Re:Need to delete the log files when the disk used% greater than 85% using df -k

Sorry for that Smilie My OS is Solaris.
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