How to create individual entries from a range of numbers?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to create individual entries from a range of numbers?
# 1  
Old 12-04-2013
How to create individual entries from a range of numbers?

I want to create entries based on the series as in examples below:


2dat3 grht-5&&-15
3dat3 grht-16&&-30
4dat3 ftht-4&&-12
5sat3 ftht-16&&-20


2dat3	grht-5
2dat3	grht-6
2dat3	grht-7
2dat3	grht-8
2dat3	grht-9
2dat3	grht-10
2dat3	grht-11
2dat3	grht-12
2dat3	grht-13
2dat3	grht-14
2dat3	grht-15
3dat3	grht-16
3dat3	grht-17
3dat3	grht-18
3dat3	grht-19
3dat3	grht-20
3dat3	grht-21
3dat3	grht-22
3dat3	grht-23
3dat3	grht-24
3dat3	grht-25
3dat3	grht-26
3dat3	grht-27
3dat3	grht-28
3dat3	grht-29
3dat3	grht-30
4dat3	ftht-4
4dat3	ftht-5
4dat3	ftht-6
4dat3	ftht-7
4dat3	ftht-8
4dat3	ftht-9
4dat3	ftht-10
4dat3	ftht-11
4dat3	ftht-12
5sat3	ftht-16
5sat3	ftht-17
5sat3	ftht-18
5sat3	ftht-19
5sat3	ftht-20

# 2  
Old 12-04-2013
So, what have you tried so far and where are you getting stuck?

It seems that you need to recognise the values you have then starting with the first value in the range, loop through displaying the required output and adding one to the counter before you go round and see if you have reached the end value.

You would also be better to say what tools you prefer to work in and your OS version (name and release level) in case there are any suggestions that rely on or could exploit the variant that you have.

# 3  
Old 12-04-2013
I will like to use awk
# 4  
Old 12-04-2013
Try :

this works for given input in #1
$ awk -F'[-&&]' '{for(i=$2;i<=$NF;i++)print $1"-"i}' Input

These 2 Users Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 5  
Old 12-04-2013
It worked, Thanks!
# 6  
Old 12-04-2013
Wow! Could you explain a little please Akshay Hegde? I'd love to understand it a bit better.

# 7  
Old 12-04-2013
Originally Posted by rbatte1
Wow! Could you explain a little please Akshay Hegde? I'd love to understand it a bit better.


I just used simple for loop

for example :
2dat3 grht-5&&-15

-&& ---> Field Separator
2dat3 grht ---> field1 $1
5---> Field2 $2 that is i start
15-->last Field $NF is i end
for(i=5;i<=15;i++)print $1"-"i-->increment i till 15 and print $1 and i
This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
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