Grep word after last occurance of string and display next few lines

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Grep word after last occurance of string and display next few lines
# 8  
Old 12-05-2013
Originally Posted by nes
Thanks for correction "Don Cragun",

Following code displays ERROR and WARNING from first 'Starting' occurance to second.

But I wanted from last to end of file in UNIX/LINUX also to solve this problem


awk  '/Starting/{if(b) exit; else b=1}1' $filename | grep -A3 -in "$ERR"

Please guide me.
With the : after ERROR marked in red above, I don't see how you got ERROR lines output either. I'm short on time today, (and this hasn't been tested), but try something more like:

ed -s "$filename" <<-"EOF" | grep -E -A3 -in "$ERR"

# 9  
Old 12-06-2013
Thanks "Don Cragun",

This code is giving following error :

 syntax error at line : 5 `<<' unmatched

# 10  
Old 12-06-2013
If you entered:
ed -s "$filename" <<-"EOF"

exactly as shown above and you got that diagnostic (and you're using a Solaris/SunOS system), try running the script with /usr/xpg4/bin/sh instead of /bin/sh.
# 11  
Old 12-06-2013
nawk '
  /ERROR|WARNING/ {if (cnt==0) s=s (s?RS:s) b; cnt=3}
  cnt&&cnt-- {s=s RS $0}
  /Starting/ {s=""; cnt=0}
  END {print s}
' errorlog

This User Gave Thanks to MadeInGermany For This Post:
# 12  
Old 12-10-2013
Hi MadeInGermoney,

nawk '  /ERROR|WARNING/ {if (cnt==0) s=s (s?RS:s) b; cnt=3}  cnt&&cnt-- {s=s RS $0}  /Starting/ {s=""; cnt=0}  {b=$0}  END {print s}' errorlog

is not working in Linux environment.
# 13  
Old 12-10-2013
In Linux it's just awk
(In Solaris it's nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk).
# 14  
Old 12-12-2013
Hi MadeInGermany,

Following script is displaying from Last occurance "Starting" to end of file, but not searching ERROR/WARNING within that block.

Please guide me how to get next two lines with ERROR/WARNING within that block.

awk '  /ERROR|WARNING/ {if (cnt==0) s=s (s?RS:s) b; cnt=3}  cnt&&cnt-- {s=s RS $0}  /Starting/ {s=""; cnt=0}  {b=$0}  END {print s}' errorlog

---------- Post updated at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:59 PM ----------

when I have given following code it is displaying properly from last occurance 'Starting' to end of file, searching ERROR/WARNING and redirecting it in "Extractfile" also, but line number is displaying wrong in grep. Please advise me.

awk '{if (cnt==0) s=s (s?RS:s) b; cnt=3}cnt&&cnt-- {s=s RS $0}/Starting/ {s=""; cnt=0}{b=$0}END {print s}' $file | grep -A3 -in "$ERR" >> $ERRFILE

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