Double slash into a file

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# 1  
Old 11-27-2013
Double slash into a file

I need to add double slash into a file using "echo" command.

I tried the below from the command line and it worked.

echo "\\\\abcd\efgh" > file

more file

but if i use the same command within a script its showing only 1 slash

Pls help
# 2  
Old 11-27-2013
You don't need to escape slash if you enclose it inside single quotes instead of double quotes. So retry using single quotes...
# 3  
Old 11-27-2013
Probably your command line shell differs from the shell used in your script. echo is not always consistent across (POSIX compliant) shells. For consistent results try using printf :
printf "%s\n" '\\abcd\efgh'

Otherwise what is your OS and version and how do you call your script?
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