Help needed in case

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help needed in case
# 8  
Old 11-28-2013
OK, but how can we automate the script if we don't know the associations?
Is there another text file that contains the associations?
# 9  
Old 11-28-2013
No.we can create a text file.We can hard code the ip address with the snedmail ?
# 10  
Old 11-28-2013
Assuming your file.txt contains the following lines:
"25319","45162","TEST","ADMIN","","select * from test","2013-11-27 19:38:28","2013-11-27 19:38:28",11
"25319","45162","TEST","ADMIN","","select * from test","2013-11-27 19:38:28","2013-11-27 19:38:28",11

Assuming that there are no embedded commas in the filed values.
Something like this might work for you:

while IFS=, read j j j j _ip j; do
  for _t_ip in "${_ips[@]}"; do
    [[ $_ip == ${_t_ip##*_} ]] && {
      echo send mail -- connection -- append from "${_t_ip%_*}"
done < file.txt

I get the following output:
$ ./s
send mail -- connection -- append from tool1
send mail -- connection -- append from tool2

Remove the echo if the output matches your expectations.

Last edited by radoulov; 11-28-2013 at 06:44 AM..
# 11  
Old 11-28-2013
Thanks a lot..!! Radoulov.

I guess we are not receiving the file.txt full line with this detail

"25319","45162","TEST","ADMIN","","select * from test","2013-11-27 19:38:28","2013-11-27 19:38:28",11"25319","45162","TEST","ADMIN","","select * from test","2013-11-27 19:38:28","2013-11-27 19:38:28",11

Can we add if ip address is this,this will append mail with full detail like above format in a file.
# 12  
Old 11-28-2013
In this case, you could use something like this:

for _t_ip in "${_ips[@]}"; do
  grep -w "${_t_ip##*_}" file.txt > /dev/null &&
      echo send mail -- connection -- append from "${_t_ip%_*}"

# 13  
Old 11-28-2013
To get the entire line containing the IP:

for _t_ip in "${_ips[@]}"; do
    grep -w "${_t_ip##*_}" file.txt
    ) &&
    echo send mail -- connection -- append from "${_t_ip%_*}" -- detail "$_record"

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