Selective running

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# 1  
Old 11-26-2013
Selective running

I have
[root@server ~] MegaCli64 -PDList -aALL | grep -E 'Enclosure Device ID|Slot Number'
Enclosure Device ID: 252
Slot Number: 0
Enclosure Device ID: 252
Slot Number: 1
Enclosure Device ID: 252
Slot Number: 2
Enclosure Device ID: 252
Slot Number: 3

I need to run the following command on all slots using a shell script.
MegaCli64 -pdInfo -physdrv\[252:0\] -aALL | grep "Firmware state"
MegaCli64 -pdInfo -physdrv\[252:1\] -aALL | grep "Firmware state"
MegaCli64 -pdInfo -physdrv\[252:2\] -aALL | grep "Firmware state"
MegaCli64 -pdInfo -physdrv\[252:3\] -aALL | grep "Firmware state"

# 2  
Old 11-26-2013
Assuming that the slot number is the one following the ":"


while [ $i -le 10 ]
        MegaCli64 -pdInfo -physdrv\[252:${i}\] -aALL | grep "Firmware state"
        i=$(( $i + 1 ))

Here replace "10" by the number of slots you want to process.
# 3  
Old 11-26-2013

Here "Enclosure Device ID" and "Slot number" are variables. We need to grep out both variables and apply in script. And we cannot set a definite range for slots, 1 to 10. There can be more than 10 too.
# 4  
Old 11-26-2013
Try this


MegaCli64 -PDList -aALL | grep -E 'Enclosure Device ID|Slot Number' > infile
while read line
        newDeviceID=$(echo $line | awk -F": " '/Enclosure Device ID/ { print $2 }')
        [ ! -z "$newDeviceID" ] && deviceID=${newDeviceID} && continue
        slotNum=$(echo $line | awk -F": " '/Slot Number/ { print $2 }')
        MegaCli64 -pdInfo -physdrv\[${deviceID}:${slotNum}\] -aALL | grep "Firmware state"
done < infile

rm infile

This User Gave Thanks to chacko193 For This Post:
# 5  
Old 11-26-2013
Thanks a lot chacko123. It works fine.
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