Find and replace using sed

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# 1  
Old 11-25-2013
Find and replace using sed



I will use the below command to find and replace in sed, where I'm using variable to find pattern.

while read line 
sed 's/$line/77/' file 

But here I need to find value in column 3 and want to replace value in column 5.

Output like:


how to do this in sed?
# 2  
Old 11-25-2013
Originally Posted by Roozo


I will use the below command to find and replace in sed, where I'm using variable to find pattern.

while read line 
sed 's/$line/77/' file 

But here I need to find value in column 3 and want to replace value in column 5.

Output like:


how to do this in sed?
Will you please explain on what basis you replaced R C and F in column 5 with 77? Whether it's column5 = column 3 value + 11 ? If yes why not for B and M ?
# 3  
Old 11-25-2013
For field seperated columns, use awk.

 awk -F, '{if($3=="66") $5=77;print $0}'  OFS="," file

Last edited by greet_sed; 11-25-2013 at 10:23 AM.. Reason: Updated code for OFS
# 4  
Old 11-25-2013

1 more awk approach without OFS

awk -F"," '$3==66 {$5=77} {print $0}' file_name

Output will be as follows.

3 5 66 K 77
3 5 66 M 77
6 9 66 J 77

R. Singh

Last edited by RavinderSingh13; 11-25-2013 at 10:35 AM.. Reason: Adding Output to post.
# 5  
Old 11-25-2013
Greet sed : Command not replacing the value, just displaying the input.

I'm not doing any column5 = column 3 value + 11

Just finding pattern in column3 and if pattern founds, replace value on the same line in column5.
# 6  
Old 11-25-2013
Thanks Roozo

You may try if replacement of value in column5 is based on column3 value

$ awk -F, '$5 = $3 == 66 ? 77 : $5 ' OFS=, file

$ awk -F, '$5 = $3 == find ? replace : $5 ' OFS=, find=66 replace=77  file

# 7  
Old 11-25-2013
@ Roozo:
All the solutions written here so far has to be redirected to new file otherwise it will be displayed in terminal as you said.

Like this:
awk '{code}' file > output

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