Extract all the lines in between of 2 patterns and merge them

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Extract all the lines in between of 2 patterns and merge them
# 1  
Old 11-23-2013
Extract all the lines in between of 2 patterns and merge them


I have a file with many lines and need to extract lines between 2 patterns (AAA and BBB) and merge all the in-between lines into single line separated by space.

$ cat file1
blah blah blah
blah AAA
blah BBB
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah BBB
blah blah blah

admin@admin-PC /tmp

And I tried the below with little success Smilie

admin@admin-PC /tmp
$ awk '/AAA/{a=1;next}/BBB/{a=0}a' file1

admin@admin-PC /tmp

But I need the output as below:

1 2 3
5 6

Please advise, thanks a lot!!

Last edited by prvnrk; 11-23-2013 at 11:05 PM..
# 2  
Old 11-23-2013
awk '/AAA/ {ok=1;next} /BBB/ {ok=0;print ""; next} {if(ok){printf("%s ", $0) } }' inputfile > newfile

# 3  
Old 11-23-2013
Another approach:
awk '/AAA/{f=1;next}/BBB/{print s;f=s=""}f{s=s?s OFS $0:$0}' file

# 4  
Old 11-24-2013
Some more awk for given input

$ awk '/AAA/,/BBB/{printf /^[0-9]/? $0 OFS : /BBB/ ? RS : NULL }' file
1 2 3 
5 6

$ awk '/AAA/{s=1}s && /^[0-9]/,/^[0-9]/{printf $0 OFS}/BBB/{s=0;printf RS}' file
1 2 3 
5 6

$ awk '/AAA/{x=1;getline}/BBB/{printf RS;x=0}x{printf $0 OFS}' file
1 2 3 
5 6

$ awk '/AAA/,/BBB/{printf /BBB/ ? RS : gsub(/[[:alpha:]]/,x) == 0 ? $0 OFS : NULL }' file
1 2 3 
5 6

Last edited by Akshay Hegde; 11-24-2013 at 03:03 AM..
# 5  
Old 11-24-2013
With a trailing space:
awk '/BBB/{p=0; printf RS}p; /AAA/{p=1}' ORS=" " file

Unless you are printing a constant, it is best to use a format string with printf.

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 11-24-2013 at 07:39 AM..
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