How to get rid off Password expiry error message when connecting to sql in script?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to get rid off Password expiry error message when connecting to sql in script?
# 1  
Old 11-22-2013
How to get rid off Password expiry error message when connecting to sql in script?

I am connecting to sql databases through shell script. Databases that i am connecting will need password change every 60 days. This is according to our security policy and cannot be changed. But this is creating problem when connecting to Databases through shell script . To connect to oracle DB we use below through shell script

ERROR: ORA-28002: the password will expire within 13 days

please let me know how i can delete this message in our file.

sqlplus -s $Username/$Password@BGIW @Job_Failure_check.sql >> Job_Failure_status.txt

# 2  
Old 11-24-2013
I'm not clear if you redirected stderr or not. Start with this:
sqlplus -s $Username/$Password@BGIW @Job_Failure_check.sql | grep -v 'ORA-28002'>> Job_Failure_status.txt

# 3  
Old 11-25-2013
If you are connecting to the database with a service account that an application will use (i.e. not a personal account) then discuss with the DBA about switching off expiry for that account. You will have to ensure that you keep the credentials secret though.

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