Script to check if file is placed

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# 1  
Old 11-22-2013
Lightbulb Script to check if file is placed

I am currently looking how to develop a script to monitor files placed in a particular folder. This is not actually a big deal as I usually do some perl and shell scripting, but my problem goes here:
First, the folder names in which these files are being placed uses a naming convention of yyyy, mm and dd. Ex:

These folders are created automatically (via another process), so I need to be "intelligent" of how to check the file in the latest folder created, ex dd will be today's date, 22. Same goes to the month and year.

As seen in the example, the file is via a mapped drive, so I would probably use the net command to map the drive followed by the script logic.

The idea is to place the script in a windows environment so my intention is to use perl on windows (strawberry). The reason the only access to this drive is via a management server operating with windows 2008.

The file structure is a csv file, in the format of “report_*.csv”

My second problem is that such file is placed every 13th of the month at a specific time, 11:00 AM

Can you help me achieve this?

With best regards,

# 2  
Old 11-22-2013
The great advantage of that naming convention is that the date and sort order are the same. so opendir and readdir into an array, then the last element of the sorted array will point to the most recent date
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