Split a file in more files based on score content

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# 1  
Old 11-19-2013
Split a file in more files based on score content

Dear All,
I have the following file tabulated:
ID	distanceTSS	score
8434	571269	10
10122	393912	9
7652	6	10
4863	1451	9
8419	39	2
9363	564	21
9333	7714	22
9638	8334	9
1638	1231	11
10701	918	1000
6587	32056	111

What I would like to do is the following, create 100 new files based on content of the second column,
The first file should contain all the lines with a distance between 0 and 1000,
the second between 1000 and 2000, and so on untile 99000 and 10000,

Finally for each new file I would like to calculate the median of the third column(score)

Is there a rapid way to do so? I tried witha perl script but it seems really slow,

thanks for your help,

Last edited by paolo.kunder; 11-19-2013 at 09:03 AM..
# 2  
Old 11-19-2013
Could this help you ?
 awk '{ print > int($2/1000)+1"_distance.txt"}'  filename

This User Gave Thanks to pravin27 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 11-19-2013
That's really help me!
Another issue concerning the output file:
let's imagine I have the following output for 1_distance:

ID	distanceTSS	score
8434	8	10
8434	999	10
7652	6	9
7652	451	9

As you can notice there are ID present more than once, I would like to retain only one ID, for example:

ID	distanceTSS	score
8434	8	10
7652	6	9

And finally for each new file created (distance_*) I would like to calculate the median of the third column,

Thanks again,
# 4  
Old 11-19-2013
Which of the duplicate values do you want to retain? The first? The smallest?
Does the output order matter, esp. reg. median calculation?
# 5  
Old 11-20-2013
Is the same because they have the same score
# 6  
Old 11-20-2013
Hi Pravin,

Is it possible for you to explain the awk commadn which u have provided...
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