Print 4th line back from regexp

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Print 4th line back from regexp
# 8  
Old 11-23-2013
Originally Posted by Corona688
Non-linux users are unlikely to have -B.
My experience is different from that.

According to , the non-MS-Windows Desktop OSs are (in order) OS-X, Linux, and other.

I have found either a GNU-grep or a GNU work-alike on:
BSD {free,new,open}

I will admit that I don't recall if I installed the GNU code in Solaris and OI, but it must not have been much work if I did. The codes are in very differently-named directories, often not in default path settings, so I would not be surprised that many people do not know about them (and their associated man pages).

Virtually all supercomputers use Linux (ibid.). When I worked in one of the supercomputer centers, the initial Cray-2 used a variant of AT&T Unix, but these days most have shifted over to a form -- often custom -- of Linux. Similar for the ETA10. The TMC TM-5 used Unix in all the nodes as I recall. The 3090s used Unix in VMs (too long ago, but possibly AIX).

Of the "other", I looked at AIX and HP-UX. The AIX7 to which I had access offered GNU grep. I could not find it on HP B.11.11.

The mainframe OSs are usually whatever IBM has for the OS/390 follow-ons, z/OS, but also Linux and openSolaris.

CPAN has a number of grep work-alikes (written in perl, available for copying into one's own home-bin, not needed to install in the system), for example: which has the context-printing capability (-B, as well as -A and -C). This code, peg, was quickly made to work on HP-UX, and:
peg -B1 string file

worked as one would expect from GNU grep.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl

( Edit 1: minor typo )

Last edited by drl; 11-24-2013 at 12:13 AM..
# 9  
Old 11-24-2013
try this:
awk -F"mdn" "{a[NR]=$0}/WARNING/{$0=a[NR-4];print substr($2,2,9)}" file | sort | uniq

Last edited by Franklin52; 11-25-2013 at 03:05 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 10  
Old 11-25-2013
*shrug* I don't know what to tell you then, since a very frequent use of awk is reinventing -B for all the posters here which don't happen to have it. Perhaps we don't get an "average" distribution of people, or perhaps "average" is a bad metric to use (how many people here manage *super*computers?) etc.
# 11  
Old 11-25-2013
Originally Posted by Corona688
*shrug* I don't know what to tell you then, since a very frequent use of awk is reinventing -B for all the posters here which don't happen to have it. Perhaps we don't get an "average" distribution of people, or perhaps "average" is a bad metric to use (how many people here manage *super*computers?) etc.
See thread for a contiuation of this sub-topic ... cheers,drl
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# 12  
Old 11-25-2013
Originally Posted by senormarquez
I'm looking for a way to print the 4th line back from a regular expression. Kind of like the below but it has to be the 4th line before the regexp.
  • Print the line immediately before regexp, but not the line containing the regexp.
sed -n '/regexp/{g;1!p;};h'

here is an example of logs(i chopped the logs bc each line is too long)
01:59:09,260 DEBUG SOAP REQUEST: <SOAP-ENV:..<ns1:mdn>NPANXX<
01:59:09,260 INFO  [com
01:59:09,273 INFO  [org.apache
01:59:09,283 INFO  [stdout]
01:59:29,780 WARNING SendProv has thrown exception

I'm looking for "SendProv has thrown exception" and want to parse the MDN where it threw the exception.

Any ideas?
The ex utility fits the bill in case you'd consider it...
ex -sc "/SendProv has thrown exception/-4 | q!" your_log_file

Only caveat here is that the desired line has to be exactly 4 lines before the supplied regexp...
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