How to match it?

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# 1  
Old 11-08-2013
How to match it?

ltp and dpdk is the package name 
$> ls build/ltp*/deploy-rpms/*/ltp*.rpm
build/ltp-git-r8/deploy-rpms/x86_64/ltp-dbg-git-r8.x86_64.rpm  build/ltp-git-r8/deploy-rpms/x86_64/ltp-doc-git-r8.x86_64.rpm  build/ltp-git-r8/deploy-rpms/x86_64/ltp-testsuite-git-r8.x86_64.rpm
build/ltp-git-r8/deploy-rpms/x86_64/ltp-dev-git-r8.x86_64.rpm  build/ltp-git-r8/deploy-rpms/x86_64/ltp-git-r8.x86_64.rpm

$> ls build/dpdk*/deploy-rpms/*/dpdk*.rpm
build/dpdk-1.4.0-31-r2/deploy-rpms/intel_xeon_core/dpdk-1.4.0+31-r2.intel_xeon_core.rpm      build/dpdk-1.4.0-31-r2/deploy-rpms/intel_xeon_core/dpdk-examples-1.4.0+31-r2.intel_xeon_core.rpm
build/dpdk-1.4.0-31-r2/deploy-rpms/intel_xeon_core/dpdk-dbg-1.4.0+31-r2.intel_xeon_core.rpm  build/dpdk-1.4.0-31-r2/deploy-rpms/intel_xeon_core/dpdk-staticdev-1.4.0+31-r2.intel_xeon_core.rpm

But, I JUST want to get 

build/ltp-git-r8/deploy-rpms/x86_64/ltp-git-r8.x86_64.rpm  ---> contains ltp-git-r8, which is build/ltp-git-r8 


build/dpdk-1.4.0-31-r2/deploy-rpms/intel_xeon_core/dpdk-1.4.0+31-r2.intel_xeon_core.rpm --->contains dpdk-1.4.0+31-r2, which is build/dpdk-1.4.0+31-r2

How should I do to match it ?

# 2  
Old 11-08-2013
Why, if known as it seems, don't you use the full name?
# 3  
Old 11-08-2013
Originally Posted by RudiC
Why, if known as it seems, don't you use the full name?
I have lots of the package(ltp,dpdk.......), I want it to be in a loop, I can't use the full name

# 4  
Old 11-09-2013
In order to filter it you must give it something that would make it unique:

You want ltp-git-r8.x86_64.rpm; give it ltp-git*.rpm. That would exclude the remainder you have shown.

You want dpdk-1.4.0+31-r2.intel_xeon_core.rpm; give it dpdk-[0-9]*.rpm. That would exclude the rest of what you have shown.

The command find could be an alternative to your loop.
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