I have files Bank1 ,Bank2 ,Bank3 with high level customer information in one folder.
The detail level information of all customers of each Bank are present in separate directories .
Here Bank1 is a directory which contains set of files (details,details2,details3) which contains all the information of customers.
Similarly Bank2,Bank3,Bank4 are the folders which contains information of there customers
How to join Bank1 file in /home/Cust_information/ path with all the files present in Bank1 folder /home/Bankdetails/Bank1/* based on Cust_ID. Same should be done for all the files present in /home/Cust_information/ folder using a loop.
For example Bank1 file in /home/Cust_information/ contains following details
complete details of all the customers are present in /home/Bankdetails/Bank1/ path
PFA the folder structure for reference.
Here i need to join /home/Cust_information/Bank1 with files in /home/Bankdetails/Bank1/details,details1 to get a consolidated output for matching IDS
It's easier in SQL than shell, and there are JDBC and ODBC tools that make flat files work like tables. You can 'sort' and 'join' files in shell to get a similar effect. You can join in bash by putting one file into an associative array and then looking up the next file's key fields to merge the output.
Give this a shot and come back with detailed results/logs/errors...
set -vx
for BANK in /home/Cust_information/Bank*
do awk 'NR==1 {print FILENAME}
NR==FNR {DATA[$1]=$0; next}
$1 in DATA {$0=DATA[$1]" "$0}
' "$BANK" /home/Bankdetails/"${BANK##*/}"/details* >> consolidated.out
Last edited by RudiC; 11-08-2013 at 03:57 PM..
Reason: typo/ more typos / error correction
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hostnamed;440;358;... (2 Replies)
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> database
-... (5 Replies)
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Thank you in advance. (7 Replies)
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Ex: My files are like below
$ ls -lrt
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 abc users 419 May 25 10:27 abcd.xml
drwxr-xr-x 3 abc users 4096 May 25 10:28 TEST
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i.e UCD2.summary.txt:
a 8.9 ... (8 Replies)
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