Script to ssh to remote server

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# 1  
Old 11-07-2013
Ubuntu Script to ssh to remote server

Hi All,

I need to prepare a script.


Currently i am in server "x(ubuntu os)", here i need to develop a script to ssh to another server "y(ubuntu os)", i have password less authentication to "y". i have done the below

#ssh to the server "y" and confirming i am in "y"
ssh y | echo "$hostname"

once i execute the above is getting structed.. Mainly i want to execute some commands and i want to come out to my old server "x" after executing the script.

Kindly suggest me to finish this script effectively.

Thanks a lot.

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 11-07-2013 at 03:22 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 11-07-2013
You can copy the file you want to execute and call it from x.

scp y:/user/

In script :

ssh y "sh /user/"


you can sepcify the commands you want to run in the below format

ssh y "hostname"

# 3  
Old 11-07-2013
You're not stuck - the session has issued its prompt, which you cannot see due to redirection, and is waiting for your (interactive) command(s).
And, be sure what you want: echoing the variable HOSTNAME (all uppercase) or running the command hostname (all lower)?
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