Awk-sed - wc : how to count DOTS "."'s in a file.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Awk-sed - wc : how to count DOTS "."'s in a file.
# 8  
Old 11-06-2013
Thanks, The system is hp-ux 11.23 , I think the grep solution is for gnu grep (for linux system).
However it is good to know.

The awk gsub worked awesome and like it.

awk '{a+=gsub(/\./,"")}END{print a}' file

---------- Post updated at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:32 AM ----------

Finally , Don your solution also worked , and with same result. Thanks a lot.

$ tr "\n." "x\n" < file | wc -l

---------- Post updated at 12:43 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:33 AM ----------

rdcwayx , Thanks a lot, the awk solution mainly impressed me. I never thought gsub can be used such a way. Brilliant solution.! kudos!.

What I was trying to figure out is time taken, 1 dot , is 5 sec loop: So this is what I got. 20.08 total elapsed time.

$ awk '{a+=gsub(/\./,"")}END{printf "%.2f Min\n",(a*5)/60}' file
20.08 Min

# 9  
Old 11-06-2013
It processes the input twice, but you could:-
wc -c file | read allchars filename
tr -d "." < file | wc -c | read nondots

It might be more readable for a future review. It might be a bit slower for very large files because of the double read.

I hope that this helps
# 10  
Old 11-06-2013
tr -Cd '.' < file | wc -c

These 2 Users Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 11  
Old 11-06-2013
Just trying out different methods in case anyone is interested:

perl -lne 'print $_ =~ tr/\.//' file

python -c 'print open("file").read().count(".")'

This User Gave Thanks to Subbeh For This Post:
# 12  
Old 11-06-2013
All of the proposals so far fail if there are other dots in the line, e.g. file name extensions or like. You need to isolate the row of timing dots like e.g.
awk '{sub(/^[^:]*::/, ""); print match($0, /[^.]/)-1}' file

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