find command to move the files to other folder - ksh 88

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting find command to move the files to other folder - ksh 88
# 1  
Old 11-04-2013
find command to move the files to other folder - ksh 88

Hi ,

I've learnt that the following command will remove the files from the given folder for given no.of days

find /home/etc -type f -atime -10 -exec rm -f {} \;

But how can I change the above command that will move the files to another specified directory instead of removing the files .

Thank You
# 2  
Old 11-04-2013
Originally Posted by smile689
Hi ,

I've learnt that the following command will remove the files from the given folder for given no.of days

find /home/etc -type f -atime -10 -exec rm -f {} \;

But how can I change the above command that will move the files to another specified directory instead of removing the files .

Thank You
find /home/etc -type f -atime -10 -exec mv {} /other/directory \;

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