Shell script guru

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# 1  
Old 10-29-2013
Scissors Shell script guru

Hey Gurus,
Need help to modify the shell script. I am really new in the Linux/Unix world and dont familiar with shell scripting. SO bascially my script is running a ( curl ) with some endpoints and returning HTTP status code.
Now i have a 50 different endpoints and cant make each and individual file for those endpoints. So now i am thinking to pass the CURL as argument. I have tried so many things but didnt work. please gurus help me to figure it out this.


#### Errors ####
#200X   OK

#Set Email


OUT_MSG="$(curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: 0c90cc08f56140a3be7217c40731e0fe" \
-X GET -I 2> /dev/null | grep '^HTTP')"

OUT_STATUS="$(echo ${OUT_MSG} | awk '{print $2}')"

if [ "${OUT_STATUS}" -ge "200" ] && [ "${OUT_STATUS}" -lt "300" ]; then
  echo "OK - ${OUT_MSG}"
  exit 0
elif [ "${OUT_STATUS}" -ge "300" ] && [ "${OUT_STATUS}" -lt "500" ]; then
  echo "WARNING - ${OUT_MSG}"
  exit 1
elif [ "${OUT_STATUS}" -ge "500" ] && [ "${OUT_STATUS}" -lt "600" ]; then
  echo "CRITICAL - ${OUT_MSG}"
  exit 2
  echo "UNKNONE - ${OUT_MSG}"
  exit 3

Last edited by vbe; 10-29-2013 at 03:10 PM..
# 2  
Old 10-29-2013
Perhaps if you told us what you got as error message, we would be more able to help...
We also like to know what shell you are using and knowing the OS does help...
# 3  
Old 10-29-2013
I am using Ubuntu and bash shell. Regarding the error message, when i put the ( args=$1 ) in the script and try to pass the curl value from command line, it doesn't work and come with BLANK value.
# 4  
Old 10-29-2013
perhaps you could try with args="$*"
In your previous post Im quite sure $1 would have returned "curl"...
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