Need help creating a menu.

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# 1  
Old 10-25-2013
Need help creating a menu.

Hi Master of masters,

Thanks for ur reply.
Need ur help for following. Is it possible to create menu for following in linux or a function.

> Look in logs	> Status	> Action			> End Action
> CONFSUCCESS	> Success	> Show message as successful	> Enter to continue
> CONFFAIL	> Failure	> Show message as failure 	> Exit

First is to look logs for the message, secondly show status, thirdly depending on success or failure, End actions Enter or Exit.

Please suggest

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment CODE tags are used to mark sample code segments, sample input files, and sample output files; not to surround your entire message.

This message was previously posted at the end of a thread on an unrelated subject. Please start a new thread when you start a new request for help.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 10-25-2013 at 09:54 PM.. Reason: Fix CODE tags. Split threads.
# 2  
Old 10-26-2013
Assuming you are using the bash shell, the select command can be used to create a user selectable menu.
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