Avoid carriage return until ^M is found (CentOS 6, bash 4.1)

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Avoid carriage return until ^M is found (CentOS 6, bash 4.1)
# 1  
Old 10-25-2013
Avoid carriage return until ^M is found (CentOS 6, bash 4.1)

Hi everyone,
I have the following contents in a text file (as seen when viewed using vim):
one two three ^M
four five six ^M
nine ^M
ten eleven twelve ^M

(That is just a small portion of the file)
How can I obtain the following result?
one two three ^M
four five six ^M
seven eight nine ^M
ten eleven twelve ^M

If there are words in a certain line that does not end with ^M, they should be all in one line until a ^M appears.
Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 10-25-2013
[user@host ~]$ cat -A file
one two three^M$
four five six^M$
ten eleven twelve^M$
[user@host ~]$ perl -ne 'if (/^M$/) {print} else {chomp; print "$_ "}' file > file1
[user@host ~]$ cat -A file1
one two three^M$
four five six^M$
seven eight nine^M$
ten eleven twelve^M$
[user@host ~]$

# 3  
Old 10-25-2013
An awk approach:
awk '/\r/{ORS=RS}!/\r/{ORS=FS}1' file > out

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