Count number of files

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# 1  
Old 10-22-2013
Count number of files

Hi All!

I need to have a script that counts the number of files arriving in a landing directory, them some app pick these files to be processed and load to a DB. But this process is so fast that I am not able to count all the files arriving on a landing directory.
Please can you help?
My initial idea was to insert in crontab a script that every minute does a
ls | wc -l

and outputs this number to a file, but this is not catching all the files arriving
# 2  
Old 10-22-2013
A count is something that makes sense because you have put down rules that make it possible (it becomes static...) e.g. "at an instant T" or " during an elapsed time of T1".
Here you mention nothing of the sort...
But this process is so fast that I am not able to count all the files arriving on a landing directory.
Did you analyse what ? Is it the count not following - or - the next process taking so much time when it finishes new files have already arrived?
# 3  
Old 10-22-2013
Count number of files

the files are being sent to a landing directory, and from there a process picks them up, and it moves to somewhere else.
what I want to count is the number of files arriving in this landing directory, before they are moved away
# 4  
Old 10-22-2013
what process picks up these files and how is this triggered? You might want to look in that direction to be able to count the files on time
# 5  
Old 10-22-2013
One possible alternative is to use another intermediate "landing" directory for the counting task.

Another alternative leverages a kernel event monitoring interface. For example, on Linux, there's inotify, which a shell script can use to monitor file creation via inotifywait.

# 6  
Old 10-22-2013
Count number of files

Unfortunately, I dont know what processes picks up the files, this is a comercial application application that does that
# 7  
Old 10-22-2013
you should use the below command to count the files.

ls -l | grep "^-" | wc -l

ls | wc -l

the above command will not count the proper number of files since ls command displays the output in a single line one after the other.
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