WildCard character - not able to understand

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# 1  
Old 10-21-2013
WildCard character - not able to understand

I have one script which looks as given below ,

. ${0%/*}/init && init_job || exit 1

what I understood is ,

1. above syntax has three commands, two on left of || and one on right of ||.

2. ${0%/*} would generate some path.

A. What is the meaning of ${0%/*} , how to understand it.
B. what is init and init_job ?

Thanking you very much.
# 2  
Old 10-21-2013


will delete the shortest matching pattern from $0 variable.
Adds init as it is in your script.
i guess init_job could be your function.

For ex:
echo ${A%/*}/greet

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# 3  
Old 10-21-2013
Hey ,
Thanks a lot , it was a pattern matching at the string end to delete it.
Thank you very much for your time and help.
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