Return db2 query value to shell script

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# 1  
Old 10-19-2013
Return db2 query value to shell script

Im new to DB2.
I need to connect to DB2 from shell script and return the query output back to shell script variable.
this is my code

db2  <<EOSQL
connect to $db_name user $db_user using "$db_pwd"
select count(1)  from table 

I need the count value into a variable. How can i do this. Kindly help

Last edited by Don Cragun; 10-19-2013 at 06:20 AM.. Reason: Add CODE tags
# 2  
Old 10-23-2013
It is just standard output, not db2 magic! I often put a marker on my data for security. Something like this works with every DB command line tool.
echo 'select dAtA x, whatever from wherever ;'|db2 . . . |sed '
  s/.*dAtA //
  w /logdir/logname
 '|while read ....

# 3  
Old 10-24-2013
You may try this.


db2 "connect to $db_name user $db_user using $db_pwd"
db2 "select count(1)  from table" > $HOME/count.dat
db2 "connect reset"

# 4  
Old 10-27-2013
Hi Sup,

You can redirect the entire dblog event to the log file as below and then you can do the filtering on the same.

db2  <<EOSQL>/home/testuser/count.lst

Thanks & Regards,
Pradeep Agarwal
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