Grep one column of line

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# 1  
Old 10-18-2013
Grep one column of line

Hi all:
I have the following input file:
function-v    such_as-hash-n    6.5328
function-n    such_as-head-n    2.5586
function-a    such_as-headphone-n    8.0794
function-n    such_as-health-n    3.1938
function-v    such_as-healthcare-n    5.2845
function-n    such_as-hearing-n    9.5367

I need to filter out all of the instances in the first column that do not contain "-n"

Thus, the desired output is the following:
function-n    such_as-head-n    2.5586
function-n    such_as-health-n    3.1938
function-n    such_as-hearing-n    9.5367

I have tried the following grep:

grep '([a-z]+)-!n' input > output

with no success.

Does anyone have a viable solution?
# 2  
Old 10-18-2013
Using grep:
grep -E "^[a-z]+-n" input

Using awk:
awk '$1~/-n/ input

This User Gave Thanks to Yoda For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-18-2013
$ grep -E '^([a-z]+)-n ' input
 function-n    such_as-head-n    2.5586
function-n    such_as-health-n    3.1938
function-n    such_as-hearing-n    9.5367

Or in awk:
$ awk '$1~/n$/' input
function-n    such_as-head-n    2.5586
function-n    such_as-health-n    3.1938
function-n    such_as-hearing-n    9.5367

This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 4  
Old 10-18-2013
$ grep '^[^-]*-n' file 
function-n    such_as-head-n    2.5586
function-n    such_as-health-n    3.1938
function-n    such_as-hearing-n    9.5367

This User Gave Thanks to Scott For This Post:
# 5  
Old 10-22-2013
Hi All:
I have an addendum to the question:
I wanted to filter some extra "noise" from the first column of my input.
Thus, I want to remove all non-alpha characters as well as all words that are less than 2 characters.
I have though to modify the proposed grep as follows:
grep '^[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]-n$' input

It does not produce an output. Can someone help me see where I am going wrong?
# 6  
Old 10-22-2013
I expect your first column is not below by end line ($) ?
And for less than 2 characters, you must have 3 '[a-z]' and not 4.
So, fix your expression:
grep '^[a-z][a-z][a-z]-n' input

But this work if you don't have uppers letters, so you can change with:
grep '^[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]-n' input

and simplified by:
grep '^[[:alpha:]]\{3,\}-n' input

{x,y} ==> for repeat charactere or expression: here 3 or more

This User Gave Thanks to disedorgue For This Post:
# 7  
Old 10-22-2013
Thanks disedorgue:

The following solution works:
grep '^[[:alpha:]]\{3,\}-n' input

Yet, doesn not filter for upper-case. Is there a modification to

which filters out those instances that contain an uppercase?

Last edited by owwow14; 10-22-2013 at 12:00 PM..
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