How to process only new line of tail -f command from live log file?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to process only new line of tail -f command from live log file?
# 8  
Old 10-18-2013
---------- Post updated at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:17 PM ----------

yes, by using tail -f it’s not opening file when it receives new line so entire code fails... Smilie..

Any suggestion how to implement this without using tail option....please help..
# 9  
Old 10-18-2013
Did you try this?
Originally Posted by CarloM
Does it work with --follow=name rather than -F?
# 10  
Old 10-18-2013
Try adjusting buffers. man awk (mawk in my case):
-W interactive sets unbuffered writes to stdout and line buffered reads from stdin. Records from stdin are lines regardless of the
value of RS.
so try
tail -f /some/path/logfile |  awk -Winteractive 1

or use the stdbuf program.
# 11  
Old 10-18-2013
tail -f /some/path/logfile | stdbuf -oL

Example for RudiC's comment.....
# 12  
Old 10-21-2013
awk: option `-W interactive' unrecognized, ignored...

---------- Post updated at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:29 PM ----------

stdbuf: command not found...
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