Pattern search (regular expression in UNIX)

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# 1  
Old 10-16-2013
Pattern search (regular expression in UNIX)

Hello ,

Could anyone help me to define the string in regular expression way .

Below is my string

\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss Helv;}{\f1\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}

The string will always start as \rtf1 and end in either f0/fs16 or f0/fs20

I need to define in patternsearch format in regular expression way

like starting with \rtf1 followed by any numbers of characters and ending with either \f0\fs16 or \f0\fs20

I have tried with \rtf1.fs[0-9][0-9] but its not working

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 10-17-2013 at 05:49 PM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 10-16-2013
Searching across multiple lines is a bit problematic. Exactly what do you want to string for? Are you just outputting it, replacing it, or taking some action when you find it?
# 3  
Old 10-16-2013
For single line matching:
egrep '^\\rtf1.*\\f0\\fs(16|20)$'

We have to use extended regexp.

# 4  
Old 10-17-2013
thanks targzeta but its not working

I want to identify any string that starts with
\rtf1 and ends with fs16 or fs20 and any characters in between
# 5  
Old 10-17-2013
 perl -nle 'print if /^\\rtf1/ ... /\\fs(16|20)$/' filename

# 6  
Old 10-17-2013
Using awk
awk '/^\\rtf1/ && /f0\\fs(16|20)$/'
awk '/^\\rtf1.*f0\\fs(16|20)$/'
# 7  
Old 10-17-2013
Originally Posted by Pratik4891
thanks targzeta but its not working

I want to identify any string that starts with
\rtf1 and ends with fs16 or fs20 and any characters in between
Ok, then:
egrep '^\\rtf1.*fs(16|20)$'

"starts with \rtf1" -> '^\\rtf1'
"ends with fs16 or fs20" -> 'fs(16|20)$'
"any characters in between" -> '.*'

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