10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a file comp.pkglist which mention package version and release . In 'version change' and 'release change' line there are two versions 'old' and 'new' Version Change: --> Release Change: -->
cat comp.pkglist
Package list: nss-util-devel-3.28.4-1.el6_9.x86_64
Version Change: 3.28.4 -->... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Paras Pandey
1 Replies
2. UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers
I want to search a small string in a large string and find the locations of the string. For this I used grep "string" -ob <file name where the large string is stored>. Now this gives me the locations of that string. Now how do I store these locations in a text file.
Please use CODE tags as... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: ANKIT ROY
7 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
Dear All
I am having a text file which is having more than 200 lines.
001010122 12000 BIB 12000 11200 1200003
001010122 2000 AND 12000 11200 1200003
001010122 12000 KVB 12000 11200 1200003
In the above file i want to search for string KVB... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: suryanarayana
5 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am having a text file which is having more than 200 lines.
001010122 12000 BIB 12000 11200 1200003
001010122 2000 AND 12000 11200 1200003
001010122 12000 KVB 12000 11200 1200003
In the above file i want to search for string KVB and add/replace... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: suryanarayana
1 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am attempting to grep an exact string from a series of files within a directory and append that output to the filename when it is present in the file. I've been after this all day with no luck. Thanks for your help in advance :wall:. (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: JC_1
4 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
here is what i want to achieve... consider a file contains below contents. the file size is large about 60mb
cat dump.sql
INSERT INTO `table1` (`id`, `action`, `date`, `descrip`, `lastModified`) VALUES (1,'Change','2011-05-05 00:00:00','Account Updated','2012-02-10... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: vivek d r
10 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Can someone tell me how I can do this?
a=$(echo -e wert trewt ertert ertert ertert erttert
How do i replace the STRING with $a?
I try this:
sed -i 's/STRING/'"$a"'/g' filename.ext
but this don' t work (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: jforce
2 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Can someone tell me how I can do this?
Say file1.txt contains:
today is monday
the 22 of
and file2.txt contains:
How do i replace the word NOVEMBER with (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: tuathan
5 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi Guys,
I am trying to write a perl script to search a string "Name" in the file "FILE" and also want to create a new file and push the searched string Name line along with 10 lines following the same.
can anyone of you please let me know how to go about it ? (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: sukrish
8 Replies
10. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I am trying to find words in a text with a certain ending with sed and replace them with themselves but wrapped in tabs
ex.: The fish swims in the water. -> searching for -ms ending
The fish <tab>swims<tab>in the water.
I've been trying all sorts of commands and get either an error... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: stinnes
5 Replies